The Synergy of North Medan BPJS and Unpri Provides Social Protection for Apprentice Students – Online Alert

WHILE, – North Medan Employment BPJS signed a Cooperation Agreement with Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan.

The signing of the cooperation agreement was carried out by the Head of the Medan North BPJS Employment Branch Office and the Representative of the Chancellor of Prima Indonesia University. This activity was held in a series of socialization and question and answer events regarding the benefits of the social security protection program for intern students.

Representative of Prima Indonesia University, in this case represented by Rector IV Dr. Dr. Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT, MKM, SPKKLp fully supports the Social Security Protection Program for Internship Students.

“With the collaboration between BPJamsostek and Prima Indonesia University, we are committed to providing protection and comfort for apprentice students who will be active wherever they work/intern locations,” said Dr Ali.

While the Head of the Medan North BPJS Employment Branch Office, Raden Harry Agung Cahya also revealed that this cooperation agreement was carried out as a form of concern for BPjamsostek and Prima Indonesia University in providing social protection for Internship Students.

“In the future, apprentice students will be enrolled in 2 (two) BPJamsostek programs, namely Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Insurance (JKM),” he said.

This Work Accident Insurance Program will provide protection to apprentice students starting from going to going home and doing activities at the location or workplace of the apprentice, as well as providing death benefits at work risks for active student apprentices.

“Hopefully the synergy and cooperation that has been well developed can be further enhanced in the future,” he said. (wool/eco/d1)

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