The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are many.. know them and protect yourself

Vitamin D It is one of the important vitamins for the body. If you feel severe pain in the joints of the body, and pain when moving or doing any simple activity, you should measure the percentage of vitamin D in the body, and find out if you really suffer from a deficiency or not.

During this report, we will learn about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, and its benefits for the body, according to the “webmed” website.

Vitamin D absorbs calcium in the body, so it is an important vitamin to maintain bone health, and its lack of it contributes greatly to strengthening bone health, and also limits exposure to osteoporosis, rickets or any damage to it.

The report indicated that there are many symptoms that appear on a person with a deficiency in vitamin D, including severe pain and weakness in the muscles of the body, and low bone density, and this causes a large number of bone fractures, and osteoporosis. People who are overweight are most vulnerable. For a vitamin D deficiency.

Therefore, a person with a deficiency in vitamin D must do exposure to sunlight, and go to the doctor to determine the good dose to compensate for the deficiency suffered by the body, and injections are taken intramuscularly or pills, and people must eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as tuna, eggs and milk. .

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