The Swiss will now be able to report pedophile content


It will now be possible to anonymously report pedophile content found on the web. The online reporting service will be operational since Monday. You will also find consultation offers and prevention programs.

While images of abuse are only increasing on the Internet, very few cases have resulted in legal proceedings by direct report, point out the Swiss Child Protection and Guido Fluri foundations in a press release.

A situation caused according to them by the absence of a reporting service in Switzerland. “The current situation is unacceptable, because it neglects the protection of victims. We must finally put ourselves on the same level as abroad,” said Guido Fluri, president of the homonymous foundation, quoted in the press release.

“Courage civil” must fill this gap. Concretely, the platform will allow parents, teachers, specialists and even children and adolescents to report a case of abuse. By this act, “we are showing the necessary civil courage”, comments Mr. Guido.

The reports will then be forwarded to the Federal Office of Police (fedpol). If criminally objectionable content is identified, Internet service providers will be alerted and asked to remove and block the content in question.

Free consultations

In order to best prevent any pedophile act, the creators of the platform will also offer consultations with professionals. Free and anonymous, they can be done by phone, chat or contact form, specify the two foundations.

“It is still taboo to admit that sexual violence is widespread in our society,” said Yvonne Feri, from Child Protection Switzerland, quoted in the press release. This is why it is essential to talk regarding them and explain them.



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