the Swiss want to invest more in photovoltaics

The Swiss population is ready to put their hands on the wallet for photovoltaics. According to a poll, a majority is in favor of a higher grid surcharge to develop local solar energy.

According to the survey commissioned by the Swiss Energy Foundation (SES) published on Friday, 79% of those questioned are ready or rather willing to pay more than the 40 francs network supplement currently levied on average per year to promote renewable energies. .

The survey shows that 93% of those questioned are in favor or rather in favor of the granting of financial guarantees to ensure that private solar installations are not loss-making. Among the more than 1,000 people surveyed, 348 owners might accommodate a photovoltaic installation on their roof.

energy turning point

Three-quarters of respondents also answered yes or rather yes to a “solar standard”. That is to say, a solar installation should be installed during the renovation of the roof.

For the SES, the results of the survey show that the population does not agree with the current rate of development of solar energy. The Foundation considers the Swiss to be willing to pay for the energy turnaround.

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