The sweltering peninsula! US expects North Korea to test nuclear as early as ‘this month’

The United States has said North Korea is preparing the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, which is expected to be ready for a new round of nuclear weapons testing. as soon as possible “Within this month”

North Korea has halted nuclear tests since 2017, but US officials in recent weeks and South Korea detected signs of additional construction at Punggye-ri. The only nuclear test site in North Korea known to the world. This means that Pyongyang may soon revive its test of mass destruction.

North Korea officially shut down the test site in 2018, and it was the first time that U.S. officials. came out to predict the time when the red ginseng may be reviving nuclear testing most clearly

“The United States estimates that North Korea is preparing a Punggye-ri test site. And it might be ready for nuclear testing this month as soon as possible. This will be their seventh test.” Jelina Porter, deputy spokesman for the US State Department, said on Wednesday.

“This assessment is consistent with North Korea’s own statement. We share this information with allied nations and partners. and will be closely coordinated with them.”

The spokeswoman also referred to President Joe Biden’s planned visits to South Korea and Japan from May 20-24.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged during a military parade ceremony last week to speed up the development of a stronger nuclear force. After the nuclear disarmament talks with the United States still no progress

Kim also warned that While the primary task of the nuclear force is to deter war, the North’s nuclear weapons “Not tied to a single mission” and he may need to deploy nuclear weapons. If the basic interests of the country are threatened

The US government yesterday also added, a concealment service, or Mixer, to the sanctioned corporate list. It was later found to be linked to a massive crypto heist operation and was also a tool for North Korea to raise funds to fund weapons development projects.




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