The surprising attitude of a participant of The 8 steps of the million that puzzled Guido Kaczka

Every followingnoon, in The 8 million steps (El Trece) moments of combined tension are experienced with competitiveness and joy, of those who manage to meet the goal of reaching the last instance. Pressure is one of the most present seasonings in the cycle and generates various reactions among the participants, who, if they do not obtain the expected result, show their frustration. In this context, Guido Kaczka witnessed an unexpected action by one of the participants who showed great anger at the actions of his companions.

The most successful game on Argentine television proposes that eight participants answer questions on various topics and, if they are correct, advance to the final step, where only two people will compete for the prize of one million pesos. Along the way, concentration, knowledge and strategy are put into play so as not to be left out, but of course it is part of the dynamic that he is only a winner.

Elena was left out of the game by decision of her teammates (Video capture)

On Tuesday followingnoon, The 8 steps of the million had a new broadcast in which the participants sought to reach the last instance. Elena was one of those who longed to win, but a group strategy changed their plans at the beginning of the game. After the first question, only four advanced to step 7 and it was they who had the power to decide who they left out. The selected was the retired woman with a degree in Psychology, He did not hesitate to show his discomfort at the situation.

While her three teammates advanced to the seventh step, Elena remained on the eighth as eliminated. “You must be thinking regarding the one that was wrong.” expressed Guido noticing the seriousness of the participant. “You did not like anything that they left you down, you did not expect it”added Martín Liberman, also noticing that the woman was very upset.

The atmosphere became increasingly tense, given this discomfort that the participant showed with her very serious face. “The game of the 8 steps it is so and This is how it happens with everyone, except the two who reach the final”, said the driver. He then proceeded to continue with the questions and everything seemed to go according to plan, with all the players present on the stairs, regardless of their answers.

While the rest of the participants advanced in the game and a second person was left out, Elena made a drastic decisionlined up because of the annoyance she felt being out of competition.

When Guido asked if they needed to drink water or sit down, the woman replied that she was fine and did not require anything offered. However, she immediately saw herself as she called one of the secretaries of the cycle, to whom she spoke in her ear, and immediately left the place.

Although the moment went on the air, neither the host nor the jury made any mention of it and the program continued smoothly.


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