The support measures will not… go on vacation 2024-08-02 01:51:07

At the same time in his presentation to the Cabinet yesterday, he made sure to make it clear that the Government will support consumers on their energy bills, while he argued that the price measures on the supermarket shelves are starting to pay off, as we have the first price reductions.


“The work continues in the heart of summer. Measures do not go on vacation. On the first front, of accuracy, we have encouraging news, an improved inflation picture, a reduction in prices in supermarkets, the measures are starting to pay off. Today the relevant provision for urgent intervention in the energy market is being voted in the Parliament. The government is ready to act in favor of consumers. Hopefully it will be something we won’t have to do more often. We remain absolutely vigilant for the orderly operation of the market.”


“Our interventions have a double reference: on the one hand the improvement, the immediate improvement of the daily life of the citizen and on the other hand, important reforms that correct chronic pathologies that hinder our way forward. This is also the mix of our policies that we will continue to implement, from now on.”

state of justice

“It is a course that was recently recognized by the European Union, in spite of those who launched insults against the government on matters of the rule of law. The report of the European Commission came and completely justified the government’s policy.

Greece is one of the nine countries that has made the most progress on rule of law issues. I want to remind you that the final and only judge, objective judge for the issues of the rule of law is the European Commission and the annual reports, which it issues for all member states”.


“In the field of Justice, we still have a series of interventions by the ministry for its faster award, interventions in the civil and criminal procedure codes, as well as in the organization of the courts, in the context of the new judicial charter. I want to remind how important was the reform of the integration of the Magistrates’ Courts and the Courts of First Instance, which must now be made operational for the best possible result.”


“It’s a relief for families who can’t afford tuition and are in critical and isolated areas of Greece.”


“The process will be completed in almost the entire territory in 2025. We will have an organized Land Register for the first time. Citizens will stop suffering from bureaucracy with the help of Artificial Intelligence. We want to reduce costs and workload with smart ideas and solutions to correct documents and speed up decisions.”


“We are behind in recycling, that’s the truth, and we need to think of ways to increase the national rates of recycled materials, with the establishment of modern infrastructure throughout the country but also with strong waste management agencies and of course with the possibility of energy recovery of the remains.

Always with a basic principle, “I pay as much as I pollute”, so that society is not burdened as a whole for the negligence of the state, the Local Government, businesses and also the citizens themselves.

And of course, with the same bill, a series of simplifications are made for the process of licensing and installation of Renewable Energy Sources.”

The prime minister, finally, still focused on the good picture shown in the last hours by the big fire that has been burning since Monday in Evia, he thanked the firefighters for their work and closed his introductory statement by wishing the ministers a good rest during their few days of vacation, closing appointment with them for the next Council of Ministers at the end of August.

#support #measures #not.. #vacation



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