The Sun in Virgo 22/08/2024 – 22/09/2024

Although summer isn’t over yet, the energy is shifting from the fiery, creative, optimistic and stable energy of the Sun in Leo to the practical, logical, productive, down-to-earth energy of the Sun in Virgo.

The Sun moves into a friendly sign of yours, Virgo, in the sector of your solar chart that rules your love life, sex, fun, hobbies, sports, fame, children. If nothing else, that’s always good news for your sign who loves the good life. A new world of experiences opens before you and is waiting to be discovered. If you are alone, flirtations may arise, you will have more beautiful moments with your friends, your children if you are parents, and in general the opportunities to have fun to your heart’s content will increase. It will be a pleasant influence in a rather tiring context of the last few weeks. Of course, you should not forget that until 28/08 Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, will also be retrograde, which somehow cuts into the very good that you could get at least at the beginning of the Sun’s course in this sign.

A more enthusiastic, outgoing, communicative period begins for your sign that will last until 09/22. The age of Virgo finds you in a frenzy of pace, with many contacts, business meetings, meetings, travel, negotiations, commercial transactions, purchasing media or transportation. On the other hand, you may have many contacts with relatives, friends, colleagues or listen to different opinions, opinions, experiences. Of course, you should not forget that alongside the Sun in Virgo we also have Mercury retrograde until 08/28, so probably many things will not be completed during this time. You should be patient and pay close attention to details.


Your season is beginning, my dear Virgos. Your birthday, your personal New Year. It is the time to take stock, make your decisions and see what new things you want to implement in your new birthday year. Is it a new job? A new relationship? Do you want to become better known in your industry? Open your business and expand? Or get a degree? Whatever your goal is, the new birthday year promises to help you achieve it in the best possible way as long as you are disciplined. The important thing is to make the decision and set the right goals. On the specific birthday of course until 28/08 you also have the simultaneous influence of your retrograde ruler Mercury in the sign of Leo. This means that you must definitively untangle yourself from issues of the past that haunt you and do not allow you to move forward.

The age of Virgo is always a time when you focus on your professional goals, on career issues and of course you work harder in order to realize your ambitious goals. It is a period when more eyes see you and that means you will also hear many opinions and opinions about the way you do your work. So if you have a good performance, this means that you will hear good words, but you probably also have the chance of a promotion. Of course, don’t forget that alongside the Sun in Virgo, we also have retrograde Mercury until 28/08 which creates delays, postponements or even minor problems. But even if something ends, don’t worry, because you will replace it with something you deserve more.

Virgo is the opposite sign from yours and the truth is that you share quite a bit in common with it. When the time of Virgo comes for you it means “relationships”. Be it your personal relationships or professional ones. And indeed until 22/09 some of you may enter into a new relationship, you may make a close friend, enter into a new partnership. Suggestions will suffice. Of course, you should not forget that for a few days at the beginning of the Sun’s stay in Virgo, we will also have Mercury retrograde until 08/28. So you may enter the process of re-evaluating past relationships and partnerships while it is not unlikely that you will have contacts with people from your past. Somehow the others in your life will keep you busy during this time, in which you will feel that a lot depends on them and not on you. The bet of the Virgo period, which is more extroverted, is to find the balance between the ego and the we.

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