The Summer Film School, the largest non-competitive film festival in the country, started in Uherské Hradiště on Friday. Its 50th year will offer 155 films in 223 screenings in screening rooms and summer cinemas, director of the show Radana Korená said at today’s opening press conference. Part of the festival, which is organized by the Association of Czech Film Clubs and is attended by thousands of people every year, is a traditionally rich accompanying program.
Uherské Hradiště
16:04 July 26, 2024 Share on Facebook
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The ceremonial opening of the show is on the program at the Hvězda cinema on Saturday evening Photo: Helena Fikerová | Source: AČFK
The festival will last until Thursday, August 1. Last year, the Summer Film School (LFŠ) screened 180 films. At the time, 4,500 accredited visitors came to the festival and another 3,140 tickets were sold in packages. This year the festival will offer more reruns of attractive films. “We have around 70 reruns, which is already a significant increase,” said Korená.
Compared to previous years, there will be one more screening room, so a total of seven will be available to the audience. Possible queues in front of the screening rooms will be directed by the coordinators, so that people who cannot get to them after the number of waiting people are counted do not wait unnecessarily.
Accreditations for any number of days at the LFŠ are on sale, including portable ticket packages for film screenings. A one-day accreditation will cost 600 crowns, which is 150 crowns more than last year, and a six-day accreditation costs 2,350 crowns, which is 400 crowns more expensive than in 2023.
According to Korené, 2,000 accreditations are available for each day due to capacity reasons. “There is still a small reserve, so it is still possible to buy accreditation,” she said.
Festival atmosphere
According to the mayor of Uherské Hradiště, Stanislav Blaha (ODS), the city is ready for festival visitors. The town hall supports the parade financially, this year according to the mayor it is 3.875 million crowns. The amount increases annually based on the concluded contract.
“The summer film school brings a wonderful festival atmosphere to Uherské Hradiště. The city comes alive, it’s literally like a beehive,” said Blaha.
The guest of the festival will be the Czech theater actor Jiří Suchý, who should visit Uherské Hradiště on Sunday and Monday. French director and screenwriter Arnaud Desplechin and Hungarian director Ildikó Enyediová will arrive on Friday.
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Other guests of the LFŠ this year will be, for example, the versatile American creator Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, the Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the Icelandic director Fridrik Thór Fridriksson or the British director Sean Ellis. A number of domestic creators will also come to the festival, including delegations to Czech and Slovak novelties.
Film projections
The first film screenings started on Friday at noon, the ceremonial opening of the show is scheduled at the Hvězda cinema on Saturday evening. The Czech comedy Hello, Welcome directed by Šimon Holé will be screened in the world premiere.
The festival will present a record eleven previews of Czech and Slovak films. It will present, for example, Světylka by Beata Parkanová, Adam Martinec’s feature debut Mord or Kristina Dufková’s animated comedy Life to Eat.
The program of the show is divided into blocks History, Present, Czechia/Slovakia, Alex Reeds and the Association of Czech Film Clubs presents. This year, visitors will see, for example, films by the legendary Italian director Federico Fellini. The festival will also present New Hollywood, which is the period of American cinema from the late 1960s to the early 1980s.
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Pictures from Tunisia or films by the American director and screenwriter David Lynch will also be shown. A retrospective of films with music by composer Zdeňko Liška is also being prepared. In addition to screenings, the festival attracts concerts, theater, professional programs, creative workshops and events for children.
The LFŠ program also includes a new traveling exhibition prepared by the Czech Press Office, which is one of the main media partners of the festival. It is called IOO moments and will present 100 years of her photojournalism.
The vernissage will take place on Palacký náměstí on Tuesday afternoon. Former Ostrava and Olomouc photojournalist Vladislav Galgonek will also show his work at the LFŠ. The ceremonial opening of the exhibition of his photographs from 1973 to 1989 is scheduled for Monday afternoon at the Culture Club.
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