INVESTIGATION. Approached, Marc-Olivier Fogiel and Vincent Meslet refuse to run for the direction of the first radio station in France. The recruitment process is frozen.
By Olivier Ubertalli Published on
Ne talk more to the management of Radio France regarding the selection process to choose the next head of France Inter! On the third floor of the Round House, that of the presidency of the public radio group, we are embarrassed, almost annoyed, when it comes to evoking the succession of Laurence Bloch, who, at 69, has held for seven and a half years the reins of the most popular radio station in the country. A station that attracts 6.5 million listeners every day, including the most powerful morning show in France, presented by Nicolas Demorand and Léa Salamé. Contacted, the direction of Radio France ensures that the “calendar is not fixed” and that “Laurence Bloch remains the only patron”. She has still not decided whether the current leader of France Inter will leave as of the start of the 2022 school year or …
You are currently reading: The succession at the head of France Inter turns into a puzzle
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Error saving draft.The management of Radio France ensures that the “calendar is not fixed” and that the “only owner remains Laurence Bloch”.
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