the success of free condoms for young people

Yasmina Kattou, edited by Laura Laplaud
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7:10 p.m., March 25, 2023

Sidaction kicked off on Friday. A mission: to raise awareness about AIDS, which is still spreading, especially among young people. To limit transmission, the solution remains the condom. Fully covered by health insurance for those under 26 since January 1, have those concerned been better protected?

Like every year, during the three days of Sidaction, the association calls for donations and raises awareness about the disease which is still spreading. Each year in France, 5,000 new cases are discovered. And young people remain misinformed. According to an old survey by Sidaction, 20% of 15-24 year olds did not receive any specific education on HIV in college or high school. To limit the transmission of STIs, only one solution: the condom. Since January 1, he has been fully covered by health insurance for those under 26.

To the question, have you noticed that more young people are asking for condoms since they became free? The president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France, Philippe Besset, answers without hesitation. “Yes, definitely. The increase is indeed very significant compared to last year,” he says.

Two million condoms distributed free of charge in January 2023

With better targeted communication in colleges, high schools and faculties, the device would take on even more importance, judges the pharmacist. But the figures already show a real demand from young people. One month after the introduction of free admission, two million condoms were distributed in pharmacies, against 500,000 the previous year. So 90,000 young people were able to benefit from the scheme in the space of a month, ie three times more than last year.

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