The Study is extremely revealing: “I left Greece…” – 2024-04-03 15:39:35

“It was a very difficult period of my life, that of “Morning Coffee”, which, nevertheless, I feel grateful to have experienced because it helped me a lot to shape who I want to be today. It helped me see people in a different light. At first very hostile, almost suspicious, but now with understanding and compassion. I worked on it a lot and these tools I got through this story I transfer to my new book”, Eleonora Meleti said initially.

“Its title will be ‘My dream has always been a purple bike.’ This is a very important phrase and one will discover it by reading the book. This book is based on true events but it is by no means an autobiography because who cares anyway. But it’s a period that passed following I disappeared from the Morning Coffee,” the presenter then added.

“After “Breakfast Coffee” I literally disappeared because I left the country. I left Greece unable to handle the fact that I was walking down the street and everyone thought they were thinking regarding me all the things they heard on TV. I almost got chased away. I had a very nice trip to Bali for a few months and there I met people and gained knowledge that I used to chase all my dreams but also to find ways to stand up for myself”, added Eleonora Meleti.

He went on to say: “There were people who apologized to me publicly and I appreciate that, but there were also people who, even then when I saw them in person, acted as if nothing was happening. I have my opinion formed, it will not change either with the public apology or with the approach of the other. Even the way you refer to a person and speak your mind says something regarding your quality and that doesn’t change easily. Since then I have chosen to keep my distance.”

As for whether she regretted getting involved in television, Eleonora Meleti replied: “I didn’t regret getting involved in television, it’s something I love, it’s something my life took me there, I trust the plan of life. I’ve had a really good time on TV but I’ve also had a really bad time. In 2016 I voluntarily retired from the news. I am a person who takes things to heart and because at that time it was a difficult period for Greece with the memorandums, I wanted to leave. I have a child, I mightn’t be away from home all day, and news takes time.”

Regarding her relationship with Eleni Menegaki, she said: “With Eleni Menegaki, we were late to “shout” that there is no rivalry. I am very lucky to have access to the person “Eleni” because Eleni is a person who has a lot to say to you and not on television.”

In closing, Eleonora Meleti also referred to her daughter Alexandra, saying: “I think that all people when they have a child, there is their life before the child and following the child. Before Alexandra I had no concepts, I had no phobias, insecurities regarding the future, I had nothing else to think regarding. Motherhood changed me in terms of the way I see the world and the responsibilities I have for the future. I’m not necessarily strict but I set limits. I’m a classic mom, but I’m careful. I let her develop her initiative and autonomy. Alexandra is fluent, I know she will make it difficult for me at some points in the future, but I like her.”

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#Study #extremely #revealing #left #Greece..



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