The Student Body Composition at the National University of La Plata in 2022: Insights and Demographic Trends Revealed

2023-09-02 23:56:10

A report carried out by a team of specialists from the Faculty of Economic Sciences on the composition of the student body at the National University of La Plata in 2022 revealed that Medicine, with 22,243 students, was the faculty with the highest enrollment, thus bringing together almost 20 percent percent of the total number of people -113,017- who attended classes at the house of higher studies.

Through a work that aimed to establish the demographic characteristics of the student population of the UNLP, the study carried out by the Laboratory of Sectoral and Territorial Development of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of said academy investigated, among other variables, the number of students by academic unit; age and gender distribution; the region or country of origin; and how many students work.

Medical Sciences, as stated, is the academic space that received the greatest number of students last year, followed by the Faculty of Arts, with 13,740 students, and by Psychology, with 10,434.

Ecuadorian students went from 13% in 2021 to 20% in 2022

Regarding the 2021 report, in 2022 the UNLP had 3.6 percent fewer students and in 2021 there was growth of 6.7 percent compared to 2019. The academic units that explain (incidence) the drop are Humanities, Economics, and Legal and Social Sciences. On the contrary, the ones that are growing the most are Computer Science and Engineering, Agriculture and Forestry, and Medical Sciences.

Of the total university students, 7 percent were of foreign origin (7,911); the majority from Ecuador and Brazil (20 percent in each case). Almost all of them came from South American countries, but, strictly speaking, they were relieved, from the entire universe of students, from 42 nations corresponding to the five continents.

A striking fact was the increase in students from Ecuador since 2019. That year, 5 percent of the total student body corresponded to young people from that country, while in 2021 the percentage rose to 13 percent, and in 2022 it was placed by 20 percent more. That student sector grew by 80 percent compared to 2021.

Among young foreigners, a large part of them have chosen to study at the Faculty of Medicine, since in that academic unit they reach 24 percent of the total number of students. The data once more puts under the magnifying glass the absence of the collection of fees for foreigners -in other countries the degree is paid for natives and immigrants-, as well as the accessibility to the degree given by the unrestricted admission in that academic unit, and ne others.

In second place is Dentistry, with 9 percent of students coming from other countries. The rest of the educational proposals are between 1 and 6 percent.

In relation to the origin of the Argentines, according to what was surveyed, 44 percent were from the Capital Region (La Plata, Berisso, Ensenada, Magdalena and Brandsen), 38 percent from other Buenos Aires districts and 11 percent. percent of the rest of the provinces.

Regarding gender, 60.3 percent of all students were women; the proportion of the female component decreased slightly (0.5 percent compared to 2021) and more in the faculties of Social Work, Journalism and Exact Sciences.

Among the total number of students, there are 21 who perceived themselves as non-binary.

The average age of the students is 25.7 years and the units with older students are Law, Social Work and Journalism. On the other hand, the “Computer Engineering” course (which is taught in the faculties of Computer Science and Engineering) brought together the youngest students (74 percent are 23 years of age or younger).

24 percent of all university students work.

#Medicine #populated #faculty #top #foreigners



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