The strong dollar shakes much of the Latin American economy

America Editorial.

The dollar The US has experienced an unusual revaluation in recent weeks that has caused several currencies to Latin American are devalued, with the inevitable consequences that this entails for the public coffers and the domestic economies of the countries of the region.

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A large part of the products that make up the family basket in Latin America are imported and paid for in dollars, as well as resources as important as hydrocarbons and raw materials.


“After one pandemic in which the economy was stimulated comes a great phenomenon called inflation. When the central banks begin to raise interest rates and begin to see a possible recession, growth must be stopped,” the financial analyst explains to EFE. Andres Moreno.

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“There was an overwhelming growth in the world, everything recovered faster than expected. With better interest rates and a possible recession, international capital is more risk averse and prefers to go to more solid economies. That translates into the devaluation of the currencies of emerging countries, ”she adds.

Another important factor in the depreciation of currencies against the dollar is the constant increases in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve (Fed), the last one on June 16 to 1.50%.

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