In 2014, a young Dutch he was reunited in the city of Lima with his native biological mother following 38 years. For a long time, the young man thought that he was from Holland, but a revelation from his adoptive parents motivated him to look for his mother.
“My son! Forgive me, my son, for having left you! (…) I might not raise you”, were the first words of Victoria Chambi following hugging Reiner. “Okay, okay!” he replied. the dutch citizen in his effort to speak Spanish. It was not just any meeting. It was the first time that the young man with peruvian roots he knew his mother. She had to wait 38 years to see and hug her in person progenitor.
he came from Netherlands together with his wife Peru to look for his mother, a woman from A lots of. Since he lived from a very young age in Netherlands, always thought he was born in that country. However, when his parents revealed to him that he was adoptedRainer initiation the search for his mother.
The story of the young Dutchman Reiner
The story of Reiner is linked to that of Victoria Chambi. She is originally from the district of San Pedro de Putina Punco, province of Sandia, A lots of. In his youth, he moved into Lima and worked as a housewife. At this time, with only 17 years of age, she became pregnant, as she revealed to the Dutch program “Spoorloos”.
Chambi she did not have the necessary resources nor did she have the support of the father of her youngest son. She even assured that he prefers not to remember said subject for the mistreatment he suffered. It is so decided to give up for adoption Rainer a dutch couple
Rainer lived all his life in Europa and he always thought he was born on that continent. He married and had three children. According to “Spoorloos”, at the age of 38, he decided to look for his mother following learning that he was adopted when he was very young.
Rainer lives in the Netherlands, is married with three children. Photo: capture YouTube/David Nostas
How was Reiner’s meeting with his mother?
Reiner he received support from the Dutch “Spoorloos” program to locate his mother. The production of this television space contacted the deceased Peruvian David Nostas, known as ‘The pager’. Nostas undertook the search and reached the Puno region.
After visiting various locations, he contacted Victoria Chambi in the district of San Pedro de Putina. Thus, following conversing with “El buscapersonas” and remembering the past, Chambi traveled with her daughter to the city of Lima. While, Rainer He moved to Peru accompanied by his wife. Everything was ready for the reunion.
Rainer was reunited with his biological mother following 38 years. Photo: YouTube capture/David Nostas
One morning in 2014, at the olive grove park from the San Isidro district, Rainer was able to hug his mother for the first time. The two engaged in an emotional dialogue. “My son! Forgive me, my son, for leaving you! (…) If you understood what I did. I mightn’t raise you,” Victoria said with tears in her eyes.
Rainer He also discovered that he looked a lot like his father, according to what his mother told him. To all the words of affection, the young man responded “It’s okay, it’s okay” with nostalgia. In this way, he made contact with his Peruvian roots and expressed his affection for him to whom he gave life.