The story of the man who swindled more than 1.6 million dollars by making old women fall in love to get money from them

Although the figure of the love scammer became extremely popular after the explosive success of the documentary tinder scammer On Netflix, the truth is that people who try to make their victims fall in love just to get their money have existed all their lives.

The latest case has been that of Fola Alabi, also known as Folayemi Alabi, 52 years old from Richmond, Texas, and who has been accused of defrauding more than 1.6 million dollars by dating old women to get the money.

The man was posing as a high-ranking United States military to scam women in their 70s and 80s

Photographer: Andrey Popov

Apparently, the man was posing as a high-ranking United States military officer and was looking for victims between the ages of 70 and 80 and widows or divorcees to persuade, woo and cajole them into sending him cash or checks to addresses and companies. that controlled.

Persuasion method

According to prosecutors, Alabi posed as a general sent abroad who befriended women online and gradually gained their trust by feigning romantic or personal interest. A method with which he cajoled victims from different states: Rhode Island, Tennessee, North Carolina, California, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Texas, Idaho and South Dakota, according to authorities.

To do this, he convinced them to send him money and when they were in the bank account he quickly transferred them to other places. Some movements that were discovered by the agents investigating the case, even found on his cell phone photographs and videos of packages containing cash and checks that he had received from some victims.


A scam with which he managed to extract $ 334,000 from an Arizona woman who as a consequence no longer had enough money to eat or pay the bills. Like another Rhode Island victim who sent a check for $60,000 and was going to send another $240,000, but his bank found out he might be a victim of fraud, blocked his account, and contacted the police. local.


Judgment. A series of crimes that Alabi has now assumed by pleading guilty to conspiracy and money laundering before the federal district court in Rhode Island, the federal prosecutor’s office said in a statement on Monday.

Via Clarion

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