JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Role artist who currently serves as Deputy Regent of Bandung, Sahrul Gunawanrecounts his sad moment when he divorced from Indriani Hadi.
It is known, Sahrul and Indriani Hadi officially divorced on June 2, 2016 at the South Jakarta Religious Court (PA).
To Feni Rose, Sahrul Gunawan was outspoken regarding how he started everything from scratch following officially getting divorced.
1. Only bring the clothes you are wearing
Sahrul Gunawan remembers the moment of his divorce with Indriani Hadi.
The deputy regent of Bandung said that at that time he left the house only wearing the clothes he was wearing.
“That’s right (just bring the clothes you wear),” said Sahrul Gunawan, quoted by Kompas.com from the Trans TV Official YouTube channel, Thursday (12/5/2022).
What Sahrul had in mind at that time was only to make the situation at home conducive for the sake of his son.
“Because for me, there are children, so I don’t think regarding this kind of treasure, following all, it’s finally over. And I’d better get out and start from zero once more,” said Sahrul.
2. Had to spend time
At that time, Sahrul was confused until he finally decided to go to his office to sleep there.
After that, the 45-year-old man chose to stay.