The Story Behind Las Ketchup’s ‘Aserejé’ and Where They Are Now

2024-02-27 10:16:47

In 2002, a song became very popular in countries such as England, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Brazil, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Japan, Mexico, among others, it was ‘Aserejé’, a song performed by the group ‘Las Ketchup’.

By Time

The members were Lucía, Lola and Pilar Muñoz, three sisters who named their group that way, in honor and as a nod to their father, the Córdoba guitarist Juan Muñoz, nicknamed “The Tomato.”

Likewise, they named their first album ‘Las hijas del Tomate’, in which curiously ‘Aserejé’ was the only song that they did not write.

The song was created by producer Manuel Ruiz ‘Queco’ Gómez, but, initially, it was going to be proposed to Remedios Amaya and the Gipsy Kings. ‘The Ketchups’ signed a contract with the man on their ‘Shaketown Music’ record label and, once the song was released, it became the hit of the summer.

The musical trio was characterized by offering a musical mix of flamenco and ‘Europop’ that paved the way for artists like Rosalía.

The dance that accompanied this single was also liked by the fans, which, today, is still seen at parties, even though 22 years have passed since its release.

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Today, women continue to sing ‘Aserejé’, at public events and in countries like Norway or Brazil, as can be seen on their Instagram profile.

Her personal life is kept away from the public eye, but it is known that Pilar works in the music industry, as well as in the theater and film field, where she works as an actress and screenwriter. Lola chose to study flamencology and write the biography of her father. Meanwhile, Lucía has focused her attention on her family.

To read the full note, here

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