The stone becomes a cat. Another episode of the treasure hunt – Il Giorno

A beautiful oval stone that has become an orange cat thanks to a good dose of imagination, paint and creativity has been “released” around the town, starting a new episode of a successful and appreciated treasure hunt. Thus Caronno Pertusella has entered the circuit of “Sassolini” a nice social initiative that has evidently gained followers also in the Saronnese area. It all starts on the social network with the group “Sassolini” which includes 47,336 users and has been active for three years with the idea of ​​”stealing a smile in a difficult period”. Basically, you are invited to draw and color a stone, writing #Fb Sassolini on the back with the postcode of the city where you will then release it. Whoever finds it must photograph it (front and back) and share the photo on the group with the postcode of the place where it was found. Whoever finds the stone can decide whether to keep it or release it. The city of Caronno Pertusella has also entered this circuit. Since last spring, some painted and colored stones have been “freed” and then found in Caronno. In the last few days, another episode with a woman from Caronno who found a new decorated stone. “I’m very happy because I’ve been following these groups for a while. Finding it makes you happy. Now it’s all mine”. SG



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