The stigmatizing and discriminatory machine of José Luis Espert does not turn off | On this occasion he asked for birth control in poor households

The national deputy of Avanza Libertad, José Luis Espert, charged once more once morest the popular sectors, once more with stigmatizing and discriminatory statements. this time called for “putting a birth limit on poor households”, so that Argentina does not become “a gigantic slum” and thus avoid “subsidizing poverty” with social plans.

If each beneficiary of plans is subsidized for each child they have, the person will not have any control over birth and you have to have a responsible fatherhood. Children have to be loved for them to come into the world, because if unloved children come into the world, those unloved children will not receive the affection they deserve, they will be mistreated, they will probably be raped and we will be forming criminals in the future, rapists and murderers,” said the legislator.

In dialogue with Infobaesaid – without presenting data – that there are sectors that seek to have more children to receive greater social assistance: “The growth rate of the population in marginal households is regarding 4 to 5 times higher than the growth rate of the population in the middle and upper middle class, as a consequence of which this means that, If Argentina does not put a limit on the birth rate in poor households, Argentina is going to be a gigantic slum in another half century, following 60 years of decline”.

the liberal economist He asked, in this sense, to “audit” the social plans and “eliminate those that are truchos”, and “limit the number of children that people have”. “One cannot give you an AUH for each child: up to two children we give you AUH, beyond that, no. It cannot be that one is subsidizing the increase in poverty“He indicated to complete the discriminatory story.

The report that denies Espert

There are more pregnancies due to the AUH”, is a phrase that was installed when the AUH began to be implemented in 2009. They were leaders like Miguel Del Sel (PRO) and Julián Dindart (UCR), who proclaimed it.

Nevertheless, According to a report by the Secretary of Social Security, there are no major differences in the number of children for which families receive family allowances. In all cases, the average is less than 2.

Those who receive the AUH have an average of 1.8 children, which does not differ from the rest of the beneficiaries, thus denying that “women get pregnant to collect the Allowance.

In the meantime, workers in a dependency relationship have an average of 1.63 children for those who receive allowances; while the unemployment beneficiaries have 1.68 and the workers registered in the monotax 1.57; while the beneficiaries of Non-contributory Pensions (PNC) have 1.73.

Aníbal Fernández’s response to Espert

The Minister of Security, Anibal Fernández, replied to José Luis Espert and pointed out that “a child cannot be deprived of economic protection”, following the center-right deputy asked to put “a limit on the birth rate in poor households” and “condition” social plans up to two children.

In this regard, Anibal Fernández wrote on his Twitter account: “Beast! Did you read the CN (National Constitution)? A child cannot be deprived of economic protection, due to acts of his parents. He ignores the principle of reasonableness and progressiveness in matters of economic and social rights. How can such a beast legislate? Mother of God!”

The Security Minister also shared a screenshot of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Argentina adheres, which calls on “the States Parties” to take “all appropriate measures to guarantee that the child is protected once morest all forms of discrimination or punishment because of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of their parents, guardians, or relatives.”



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