The State Duma creates a group to study measures against the departed Russians

An expert group will be formed in the State Duma to assess proposals for punishment for Russians who left the country amid the military operation in Ukraine and, according to the authorities, take an anti-Russian position. This was announced by the head of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Yampolskaya (“United Russia”).

According to the deputy, punishment will be provided for those who make statements from abroad that fall under the articles of the Criminal Code or the Code of Administrative Offenses. They also intend to take measures once morest those who provide direct support to the Ukrainian army.

The deputies want to invite representatives of all departments “related to both the humanitarian and security spheres” to the discussion. “There are already proposals for possible amendments to the legislation, as well as just questions to the security forces, as well as to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Economics, the Central Bank, how certain existing measures work. We need to confer with colleagues in the working mode,” said Ms. Yampolskaya “Izvestia”. After that, the deputies intend to meet with representatives of the creative community and creative unions. “We are not talking regarding the fact that for some words you just need to deprive something,” assured the head of the committee on culture.

Elena Yampolskaya previously proposed to deprive citizens who oppose Russia of earning money in the country. In her opinion, for this it is necessary to “expand the legislative tools.”

In mid-January, State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin proposed introducing a property confiscation clause into the articles of the Russian Criminal Code on incitement to extremism, the rehabilitation of Nazism, or the discrediting of the armed forces. The head of the Constitutional Committee of the Federation Council Andrey Klishas noted that such changes are impossible without amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Read more regarding the discussion in the publication “Kommersant” “Relocation with confiscation.”

Leonid Uvarchev



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