The State bond raises a total of 22.36 billion euros

2023-09-01 10:34:16

Before the publication of the official figures, the Debt Agency announced that the one-year state note collected a total of 22.36 billion euros.

The director of the Debt Agency Jean Deboutte gave the latest update of the figures for the State note initiated by the Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem, as the operation ends today. More than 22.3 billion euros were collected, thus largely beating the record of the Leterme vouchers of 2011, which had enabled the State to collect 5.7 billion euros.

In details, 13.4 billion euros were recorded through banks and 8.9 billion euros via the Federal Debt Agencywhich represents a proportion of 60%-40%, more balanced than when the Leterme bond was issued (80% for the banks, 20% for the Debt Agency).

To date, the Agency has already received an amount of 6.695.463.495 Billions of Euro’s on his account for these subscriptions. “The final amount raised via the Ledgers will be included in the total campaign results, which will be available on September 4,” the agency said in a statement.

The agency says that 277,510 Belgians have already subscribed to the operation via son sitewhich represents an average deposit of 32,000 euros. We do not know, at this stage, the number of subscriptions via the banks.

The Van Peteghem State Bond offers a net rate of 2.81% and benefits from a short maturity (1 year) as well as a reduced withholding tax of 15%.

Modifications for future operations

The Federal Debt Agency has decided to make changes to the planned issuances of Treasury certificates in the coming weeks, in light of the success of the issuance of the 1-year State note:

• On September 5, 2023, the Treasury certificate maturing on March 7, 2024 will not be offered.

• The Treasury certificate maturing on September 12, 2024 will not be offered during the auctions on September 12, 2023 or October 10, 2023.

Other measures will be communicated at the beginning of next week once the final amount of the 1-year State note is known.

Folder | State voucher

Special file on the State note, available from August 24 until September 1: what is a State note? What is its performance? Is it better than a savings account? Everything you need to know about the State voucher.

???? Our special file dedicated to the State bond

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