“The stake is the existence of SYRIZA”

SYRIZA is trying in the midst of turmoil to style itself again on a solid basis and the candidate for the party’s president Sokratis Famellos with the political seriousness that he possesses, is making efforts to turn the world’s interest from internal party disputes to the essential discussion about the future of the official opposition .


On Friday, the presidential candidate found in Patras in its context development of his positions for the claim of leadership. He had the opportunity to meet with executives and friends of the party, to speak at an open event in the Patras Chamber of Commerce at 7:30 p.m., and to hold a press conference for the local media at noon.

On the occasion of the visit, Sokratis Famellos spoke to “Peloponnisos” for the next day of the party, but also for his suitability to assume the leadership of SYRIZA, “ensuring” the future.

«SYRIZA must change the page. And to implement the Progressive Alliance. From shrinking and obsolescence, to become serious, reliable and strong for the benefit of the many and society… And this is something that requires teamwork» Mr. Famellos initially points out and continues:

“My candidacy for the presidency of SYRIZA-PS has my main pursuit is the unity and strengthening of the party and addresses the entire party and social base. To the people who selflessly supported and continue to support the party, but also to young people, whom I invite to join our organizations.”

Socrates Famous, closing, asks party members to provide answers to what has been happening in recent months. It ends:

«The next day should be unifying. To give a clear answer to the toxicity, opposition and attacks we have experienced. We must together to rebuild our house and we must all guarantee unity together. In the Technical Chamber since 1997, in Local Self-Government since 2003, but also as a minister and president of the Parliamentary Group, I have served the united reason and the collective and consistency in politics. Because the stake is the existence of SYRIZA-PS. And my candidacy is a guarantee that there will be the next day of SYRIZA-PS”.

To regain trust

The head of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group, Sokratis Famellos, made an “opening” to all voters of the Left yesterday from Patrasunleashing at the same time, “shots” for Stefanos Kasselakis.

Sokratis Famellos in the evening at an event, which took place in the hall of the Trade Association of Patras, presented his candidacy for the position of the president of SYRIZA.

On the side of the candidate were the MPs of Achaia Andreas Panagiotopoulos, Ilias Dionysis Kalamatianos and Aitoloakarnania Miltos Zambaras with the room being full of party officials with Sokratis Famellos stating that their presence sends a message to everyone about the new effort in the party.


The presidential candidate emphasized that he was his choice to start a tour from the District and he also made reference to issues of Patras, such as the train and the beach front.

Earlier, at noon, quoted Press Conferencewhere he referred to the pivotal role for the existence of the party in the political scene, the selection of the president.

«The upcoming SYRIZA elections are not only about, or more than, the face of the president, but the existence of SYRIZA the next daySokratis Famellos said initially and added: “SYRIZA responds to a social need. We must have a left-wing, progressive democratic party, which has the values ​​of the Left and Democracy embedded in its DNA. At the same time, he should be able to serve unattached and to have proven with governmental work that he can get Greece out of difficult times.” He also noted that more and more requests are coming from society “stop with the internal affairs, enough of this misery, give answers to our own problems”.

Mr. Famellos, answering a question if Mr. Kasselakis is eligible to be a candidatenoted that there is already a decision of the Central Committee that his attitude and his operation are inconsistent and incompatible with the role of the candidate.

MPs and party officials at the packed event

MPs and party officials at the packed event

“I consider that the decision of the KE is absolutely justified and correct” he said and wondered: “Why is the former president attacking SYRIZA, since he wants to claim his presidency and why is he wearing down a party in which he wants to claim his leadership? It is not possible, for a personal pursuit, neither to wear out the space he wants to lead, nor for us to allow a legacy of ideas and anxiety of the world for the next day to wear out.”

Referred to in the scenarios that are being circulated about possible departures of MPsMr. Famellos noted that “I have clearly stood up, and in the past, against the departures of previous partners. Any removal of parliamentary power by SYRIZA is removal of parliamentary power from society.”

Responding to a question whether, in the event that he is elected president of SYRIZA, he will extend an invitation to those MPs who left the party after the election of Kasselakis, Mr. Famellos answered in the negative, saying that “now I extend an invitation to all those who consider SYRIZA their homebut I am not addressing another party. I have disagreed with their choice, but also with the way it was done.”

He noted, however, that “this refusal of mine does not deprive the possibility of political collaborations. Because society demands that we have progressive collaborations on issues that concern it, such as accuracy, the rule of law or peace.”

#stake #existence #SYRIZA



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