the square is propaganda and the left seeks consensus –

Christian Campigli

Sometimes it is necessary to slow down the cruising speed, stop and rewind the tape of history to observe and understand the events precisely. The left, for decades, has underlined (like the teacher with the red pen), that Liberation Day should be a day of jubilation for everyone. A moment of sharing. Yet, the dutiful participation of the moderates who govern the country in yesterday’s public demonstrations sparked nauseating controversy. The most shining example of this strategy (far from improvised) is represented by the new myth of Carlo Marx’s grandchildren: Roberto Salis, who from the stage of the event organized in Rome by Anpi, read some considerations written by his daughter Ilaria , candidate for Avs in the next European elections. «I am proud that in my country the expulsion of the Nazi-fascists is remembered every year thanks to the courageous struggle of partisans. From my cell I ardently desire that my country every day shows itself worthy of its history, that today as in the past it wants to oppose the injustice of the world and take the right side of history. Happy April 25th.” Roberto then recalled that “my daughter is anti-fascist and this is her house”.

Scurati, Salis and Landini use the April 25th holiday to advertise themselves

A celebration, that of Liberation, which should unite and which continues to divide. Especially those who still want to set the table by seating the good guys in front of the bad guys. This is the case of the master of distinctions, buts and surreal positions on the Foibe, the rector of the University for Foreigners of Siena, Tomaso Montanari. The man who should have run for office in Florence (but who does not seem to have gathered sufficient support around his overflowing ego), did not like an article published by the newspaper Il Secolo d’Italia, written by Spartaco Pupo, himself a professor university. A piece, in which the teacher analyzed the bizarre behaviors of Montanari himself, of Christian Raimo (the man who teaches his students to beat up Nazis) and Antonio Scurati (who certainly needs no introduction) entitled «The old resisters they looked to the future, the new antifa preached and did business.” The man convinced that the 2004 law establishing Remembrance Day “represents the most sensational success of this historical falsification” evidently felt stung and responded in a disgusting manner to say the least.

Go back to the sewers: Tomaso Montanari doesn't hold back.  FdI: Cowardly and unworthy attacks

“But at least today go back to the sewers and keep quiet.” Words which, it is quite evident, do not even deserve a line of comment. And what regarding Eike Schmidt, mayoral candidate in Florence for the conservatives, who yesterday morning, with the handkerchief of Aned (the national association of deportees) tied around her neck, took part in the demonstration held in Piazza della Signoria. A completely coherent choice for the art historian, who has always declared himself anti-fascist. A decision that caused a clear stomach ache for the PD city councilor, Alessandra Innocenti. «Even the candidate of the right must demonstrate that he is present and even wears the headscarf of the deportees. I don’t want fascists and especially those who pretend not to be fascists.” So much for sharing and, as the great Totò would say, baking soda.

#square #propaganda #left #seeks #consensus #Tempo
2024-04-28 06:13:31



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