The spiral: a mysterious symbol that has fascinated man since the dawn of time.

  • Beverley D’Silva
  • BBC Culture

26 minutes ago

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From Neolithic times to more recent skyscraper architecture, the infinite spiral is a mysterious symbol that has influenced artists, thinkers and designers for millennia.

They are found everywhere: in the structure of the snail’s shell, in pine cones, in our fingerprints; in the snail-shaped staircase of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral in London or inside and outside the Guggenheim Museum in New York, USA; in the narwhal’s tusk or even the unicorn’s horn; in the contortions of our galaxy and in the double helix of our DNA.

The spiral is one of the oldest geometric shapes in human history – there are rock carvings of these symbols dating back to the Neolithic period – and it is also one of the most common motifs in the nature, which is observed in the flow of runoff water and in the eye of the cyclone.


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Nature is full of helices and spirals, from seashells to galaxies to our DNA.

There are several types of spirals, such as the logarithmic spiral, discovered by Albrecht Dürer in 1525, the Archimedean spiral, named after the Greek mathematician of the 3rd century BC, the Fermat spiral, the helix and the vortex, to name a few.

Spirals are ubiquitous in human structures in art, design and architecture, whether secular or religious – such as the Great Mosque of Samarra in Iraq, which dates from the 9th century, or the spiral staircase of the Vatican Museum.

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