Nicolás Maduro with his wife.

© Unidad Editorial, SA
Nicolás Maduro with his wife.

Nicolás Ernesto Maduro Guerra, son of the president of Venezuela, has resorted to the Spanish Justice to persecute an activist once morest his father’s regime. Nicolasito, as he is known to differentiate him from his father, has filed a lawsuit once morest the criminal lawyer Tamara Suju, former collaborator of Juan Guaidó, which has become one of the most active opponents abroad. Maduro’s scion has filed a conciliation lawsuit prior to filing a complaint for insults once morest Suju following she wrote a tweet almost a year ago, on January 21, 2021, in which attributed to Nicolasito “membership in a gang or criminal mafia organization”. Specifically, this activist published on the social network Twitter that “Nicolás Maduro adjusts his mafia gang, following the capture of Alex Saab“, considered the front man of the president and who is currently in a prison in the United States. Suju added that Maduro resorted to the aforementioned” readjustment “to” not lose control due to the internal struggles that exist in the criminal gang that he himself leads and continue negotiating what remains in the Central Bank of Venezuela, gold, wealth, oil, etc. “. Next published a photograph of Nicolás Maduro Jr. along with those of Saab, the vice president Delcy Rodriguez. Maduro’s son maintains in his complaint that “said demonstrations constitute an attack on his honor” since, according to him, they are “false and in themselves constitute extremely serious statements.” For this reason, it also requires Suju, assisted by the Cremades & Calvo Sotelo law firm, to “retract the statements without prejudice to the action that this party reserves to demand civil liability derived from the damage.” “It is anticipated,” adds the lawsuit, which shuffles go to the “criminal and civil proceedings to request compensation”. As EL MUNDO has learned, the activist, who was the representative of Venezuela to the Czech Republic appointed by the National Assembly, will attend the conciliation ceremony tomorrowurged by Maduro Jr. in a court of first instance in Madrid, although he will reject the accusation once morest her.