The Son of Man: A Fresh Perspective on the Sabbath’s Significance

2024-09-07 02:40:00

through Gospel of the day,Jesus. Pope Francis reflects on this: “They worry about the law and ignore justice. “They worry about the law but ignore love.” “

“They are role models, they are role models, and Jesus found only one word for these people: hypocrites. On the one hand, you go around the world looking for converts, you look for them, and then you close the door. Close-minded people, so attached to the law, the law The literal meaning of the man, not the law, for the law is love; but the literal meaning of the law always closes the door to hope, love, and salvation. This is the path that Jesus teaches us, which is completely opposite to the path of the Master.

“The path of loving justice leads to God, while the path of obeying only the letter of the law, on the other hand, leads to closeness and selfishness. From love to knowledge and insight, to the path of abundance, to holiness, salvation, and Encounter with Jesus. Jesus is approaching: proximity proves precisely that we are on the right path because this is the path God has chosen to save us: He comes close to us, he becomes human,” Pope Francis said in 2014. concluded on October 31, 2016.

During the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word is one of the central moments of the celebration. At this time, reading Bible passages allows us to delve deeper into the teachings of Jesus Christ. Text we shared Saturday, September 7, 2024 Published on the Vatican website.


“The situation is critical.” Pope Francis asks Venezuela to “seek truth” and avoid violence

Evangelio. (Vatican News)Evangelio. (Vatican News)

Liturgy for September 7, 2024: First Reading

Reading of the first letter of the Apostle St. Paul to the Corinthians

1 Corinthians 4, 6-15

Brethren: If I speak of Apollo and of myself, it is in order that you may learn from this example not to despise the one for the sake of the other, as I have already written to you. So, who makes you superior to others? Is there anything you haven’t received yet? If you have received it, why do you boast as if you have not received it?

So you are already content, you are already rich, you have obtained the kingdom without our help…I wish this were true so that we could rule with you too. For it seems to me that God treats us, the apostles, like wild beasts, for we have become a spectacle in the world, whether to angels or to men.

Indeed, we are fools because of Christ, but you are wise in the things of Christ. We are the weak, you are the strong; we are the despised, but you are the ones worthy of respect. By now we were hungry and thirsty, clad in rags, and beaten; we wandered, worked with our hands, and we were exhausted. They curse us and we bless them; they persecute us and we endure them; they slander us and we respond in kind. To this day they see us as the garbage of the world and the waste of humanity.

I am writing this letter to you not to humiliate you, but to draw your attention as a beloved child. For, as Christians, although you have ten thousand teachers, you have but few fathers, for I alone have begotten you in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

Daily Gospel: September 7, 2024

Based on the reading of St. Luke

LC 6, 1-5

One Saturday, Jesus was walking through some fields, and as He passed, His disciples picked ears of wheat, rubbed them in their hands, and then ate them. Some of the Pharisees said to them, “Why do you do what is forbidden on the Sabbath?”

Jesus answered them, “Have you not read what David did when he and those who were with him were hungry? He went into the temple and took the holy bread which only the priests could eat. He ate some of it and gave it to others. ‘s subordinates.

He added: “The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”

Javier Mire - Tedeum

Tired. The Church sends a tough message: demand “consensus”, reduce verbal attacks and watch the social thermometer

September 8, Holy Queen: Our Lady and Martyrs

According to the official Vatican website, Saints of the Day is a daily review of the saints preserved in the memory of the Church. In this section you will find stories, anecdotes, and miracles performed by these figures in Christian life at different times and places around the world.

Today the Church commemorates the memory of the Holy Queen. Reyna came from Eilis and was the daughter of Olibrio, a 3rd century Gallic chieftain.

Orphaned by her mother, she converted to Christianity at an early age and was martyred at the hands of her pagan father, who preferred to kill her rather than suffer the shame of having a Christian daughter.

#Todays #Gospel #Saturday #September #Son #Man #Lord #Sabbath

**Questions related to​ “The Joy of the Gospel:​ Reflections on September 7, 2024”:**

The Joy of ⁣the Gospel: Reflections on September ​7, ⁤2024

As we celebrate the Liturgy of the Word on September 7, 2024, we are reminded of the importance of ‍living‍ a life of love and justice. Pope Francis, in his reflections on the Gospel, emphasizes the need to move beyond mere obedience to the law and instead, focus on the path of loving justice that leads to God [[3]].

In his 2014 homily, ‍Pope Francis warned against those who worry ⁢about the law ​but ignore⁤ justice and ⁢love [[1]]. He referred to such individuals as‍ hypocrites, who⁣ are so attached to the​ literal meaning of the law that they close the door to ‍hope, love, and salvation. Instead, Jesus teaches ​us to follow the⁣ path​ of loving justice, which is the path God⁤ has chosen to save us.

During the Mass, the Liturgy⁢ of⁢ the Word is a central moment of the celebration, where we‌ delve deeper into the teachings of‌ Jesus Christ.‌ On September 7, 2024, the First ‍Reading from⁢ 1 Corinthians 4, 6-15 reminds us⁣ that we should​ not boast about our accomplishments,⁣ but rather acknowledge that everything we have received is a gift from God [[1]]. We are called to be humble and recognize‍ that we are all weak and despised, yet we are⁣ also called ⁣to be strong and worthy of respect.

The Daily Gospel‌ from St. Luke 6, ⁣1-5 highlights the importance‍ of understanding the law in the context ⁣of love ‍and mercy. Jesus, in his response ‍to the Pharisees, reminds us that the Son‍ of ⁤Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. This passage encourages us to reflect on our own behavior and whether we are following the letter of‌ the law or the spirit⁤ of love and compassion ⁢ [[1]].

Pope Francis, in ‌his message to

Young Catholic Gospel reflections

Liturgy for September 7, 2024: Reflection on the Gospel and Readings

As we celebrate September 7, 2024, we are reminded of the importance of reflecting on the Gospel and readings of the day. Today’s Gospel, Luke 5:1-11, speaks to us about the call to follow Jesus and the importance of humility and detachment from worldly possessions.

The Gospel of the Day: Luke 5:1-11

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us about the importance of humility and detachment from worldly possessions. He calls Simon Peter, James, and John to follow him, and they leave behind their nets and their livelihood to follow him. Jesus teaches them that they will be fishers of men, and they will be instrumental in spreading the Good News to all nations.

Reflection on the Gospel

Pope Francis reflects on this Gospel passage, saying, “They worry about the law and ignore justice. They worry about the law but ignore love.” He reminds us that Jesus teaches us to focus on love and justice, rather than just following the letter of the law. He encourages us to be role models, not hypocrites, and to focus on the path of loving justice that leads to God.

First Reading: 1 Corinthians 4, 6-15

Today’s first reading is from the first letter of the Apostle St. Paul to the Corinthians. In this passage, St. Paul reminds us that we have received everything from God, and we should not boast as if we have not received it. He encourages us to be humble and to recognize that we are all equal in the eyes of God.

Daily Gospel Reflection

In addition to today’s Gospel and readings, we can also reflect on the daily Gospel reflection provided by Dynamic Catholic [1]. Today’s reflection is based on Luke 5:1-11 and encourages us to reflect on our own call to follow Jesus and to leave behind our attachments to worldly possessions.

Additional Resources

For those who wish to delve deeper into the readings and Gospel of the day, additional resources are available. Dynamic Catholic provides a daily Gospel reflection [2] and mass readings [3] for September 7, 2024. CatholicMom also provides a daily Gospel reflection [4] for September 7, 2024.


As we celebrate September 7, 2024, let us take a moment to reflect on the Gospel and readings of the day. Let us ask ourselves if we are following the path of loving justice that leads to God, or if we are focused on the letter of the law. Let us strive to be role models, not hypocrites, and to focus on humility and detachment from worldly possessions. May we be inspired by the teachings of Jesus and St. Paul to live a life of love and service to others.





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