The SNTP reported that Carmela Longo will be brought before a court with jurisdiction over terrorism

The SNTP reported that Carmela Longo will be brought before a court with jurisdiction over terrorism
  • The journalist was arrested by PNB officials on Sunday, August 25.

The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) announced on Sunday, August 25, that journalist Carmela Longo will be brought before a court with jurisdiction over terrorism on Tuesday, August 27.

“Officials from the Police Investigations Directorate (DIP) confirm that Carmela Longo is under arrest and will be presented this Tuesday at the Third Control Court with jurisdiction over terrorism,” wrote the SNTP in X.

The organization added that the 58th Prosecutor’s Office had accused the journalist of “inciting hatred” and “terrorism.”

The journalist was arrested on August 25 in the afternoon by officers of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB)Police arrived at the reporter’s home with a search warrant and also arrested Longo’s son.

Hours later, the SNTP confirmed the release of the son of journalist Carmela Longo. The organization said that the officials had also taken equipment from the journalist’s residence, including computers.

Carmela Longo’s departure from Latest News

Photo: Saturday Night

On August 20, the journalist had reported on her departure from Latest News, medium in which he worked for almost 20 years.

The SNTP reported that Carmela Longo will be brought before a court with jurisdiction over terrorism

Today, a stage of my life of almost 20 years ended, four days after leaving for vacation. I am grateful for that time for the things and above all for the excellent colleagues I had and where for more than half of that time I was a union delegate. That is what I will keep,” wrote Longo on the social network X.

The departure of Carmela Longo from Latest News The post generated various reactions from fellow journalists and media workers. Many of those who commented on her post highlighted her professionalism and expressed admiration for the communicator.

Another journalist arrested

He SNTP reported on August 20 the arrest of journalist Ana Carolina Guaita, a reporter for The Watermelon,

The agency said the journalist was arrested by alleged officials of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) on the outskirts of the El Rincón residential area, where she lives, at approximately 6:00 p.m.

They denounced the arrest of journalist Ana Carolina Guaita in La Guaira

For its part, the Vente Venezuela Human Rights Committee stated in X that Guaita was taken away in a white car when she left her house and that her whereabouts are still unknown.

The journalist is the daughter of Carlos Guaita, general secretary of Copei in La Guaira, and Xiomara Barreto, regional leader of the same political party.

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2024-08-26 10:45:10



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