The Snow Society: Understanding the Science Behind the Dark Urine Phenomenon

2024-01-18 04:02:28

FUENTE: Netflix

The spectacular film ‘The Snow Society’ that Netflix has produced has captivated audiences practically ALL OVER THE WORLD, not only for its shocking account of the tragedy in the Andes (a true event), but also for its meticulous focus on portraying the reality of the state of health of the survivors. Among the many scenes shocking, a particular enigma has emerged that has captured the attention of spectators: the black urine of the protagonists.

Behind this phenomenon there is a quite interesting scientific explanation, provided by a medical student called Dani Palma throught social media. Palma suggests that the dark urine might be related to the rhabdomyolysisa disorder derived from the decomposition of muscle tissue that releases substances harmful to the kidneys. How do we get to this point?

The explanation, pay attention!

The lack of foods led to the survivors to practice the anthropophagyfeeding on the bodies of his deceased friends, and the scarcity of drinking water forced them to depend on melting ice. These extreme conditions might have triggered the release of myoglobina molecule that contains iron and when reacting with the urine stains it of a dark tone.

But there is more. Palma also points to the dehydration as another key factor. With only snow to drink, the process of melting and consuming this vital resource was slow and difficult, leading to insufficient intake of liquids. This, in turn, affects the color of the urine; The less it is drunk, the more concentrated it will be, and it may take on a darker shade due to the higher concentration of yellow pigments.

This phenomenon is not exclusive to extreme situations like the one depicted in the film. The dark coloring of the urine may be associated with various healthy conditions. Beyond the rhabdomyolysisothers liver pathologies y kidney, infections of the urinary tract, hemorrhagescertain medicines and even the intake of specific foods can influence the color of the urine.

It is essential to understand that the urine serves as a valuable indicator of health metabolic y renal. The metabolic regulation It is the process by which the body manages and uses energy efficiently. Under normal conditions, the urine It has a yellow hue due to the presence of pigments such as urobilina result of the decomposition of the Red blood cells.

Phenomenon of rhabdomyolysis.

The dehydrationa key aspect in ‘The Snow Society’, can significantly impact the metabolic regulation. When the body lacks enough agualos kidneys preserve liquids and increase the concentration of urine to avoid the loss of agua additional. This process can lead to a urine darker and more concentrated.

The rhabdomyolysison the other hand, illustrates how extreme conditions can trigger events metabolic harmful. The breakup of muscle tissueeither trauma, freezing or even the depletion of reserves due to the starvationcan release myoglobin in the sangrenegatively affecting the kidneys and giving rise to black urine.

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