The smoothie with oats to lose weight and increase muscle mass

Oats are a good cereal that contain more protein than corn, rice, or wheat. It is one of the most complete cereals, since it contains important nutrients, vitamins, minerals and even phytic acid.

Likewise, among the benefits it brings to human health, are being an excellent energetic and it also helps regulate metabolism, as well as cholesterol, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico.

In addition, the Spanish Nutrition Foundation ensures that oats are a low-cost source of protein and have a high fiber content. Also it helps regulate metabolism and as far as beauty is concerned it strengthens nails, reduces hair loss and regenerates the skin.

Regarding micronutrients, it contains a high content of iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin B6 and folates, as well as being a source of vitamin E. Therefore, the consumption of oats brings great benefits for the body.

Taking into account the mentioned properties, Two benefits of oats stand out:

Help to lose weight

Among the foods that can be added to the diet under medical supervision is oats. This cereal, according to Medline Pluswebsite of the US National Library of Medicine, helps control appetite by making the body feel full and therefore eating less between meals and requiring smaller portions at breakfast, lunch and dinner .

One of the advantages of consuming foods with high levels of fiber, such as oats, is that they help reduce the absorption of fats and sugars, therefore, maintains stable glucose and cholesterol levels and a stable weight.

Increase muscle mass

Oats are a product that can help repair and build muscle fibers naturally. In 100 grams of oats, a person can get 12 grams of protein and If you want to increase this amount, you must add milk and supplement the diet with grains such as beans or lentils.

“Of all the cereals that exist, it is one of the ones that contain the most protein. In addition to this element, oats have complex carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, healthy fats, iron and magnesium. All this mix of benefits will gradually thicken the muscles, since it is necessary to complement them with exercise, proper rest and other natural foods”, says the portal. Consalud.

One of the ways to take advantage of the mentioned properties of oats is by preparing a smoothie. Magazine Videospublished through the portal Mundodeportivoexplained that The ingredients needed for this drink are:

  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • 30 grams of oatmeal.
  • 10 grams of strawberries.
  • Honey (optional).


1. Wash the strawberries to eliminate bacteria that may come from outside.

2. Take all the ingredients to the blender.

3. Process until obtaining a homogeneous mixture free of lumps.

4. Serve without straining and consume.

It should be noted that, Before adding oats to the diet for any of the mentioned benefits, one should consult with a health specialist. to avoid damage to other body functions, intervene in treatments that are being carried out or other types of contraindications in the body.

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