the smoothie that helps prevent cancer cells

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the leading cause of death in the world, with lung, breast, colon and rectal cancer being the most relevant.

Among the factors that most affect the development of cancer are: the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, low-quality food and little physical activity.

It is valid to mention that preventing cancer in its entirety is not possible, but the chances of bad cells multiplying irregularly can be reduced, since genetic, nutritional and/or unhealthy activities influence their appearance.

Although the signs of this disease depend on the type of cancer that develops, there are some common ones such as nausea, fatigue and weight loss, among others.

As indicated above, some habits influence whether or not the development of cancer increases. For this, the mayo clinic reveals some of them:

Taking this disease into account, the portal What! recommends the consumption of Cucumber, celery, cabbage and lemon smoothie to prevent cancer cells. Its preparation is simple, the ingredients are added to the blender, the lemon has to go with the peel, and at the end of the process, it can be drunk up to three times a day.

Breast cancer: six factors that increase the risk

1. Physical inactivity. Women who do not exercise have a higher risk of breast cancer.

2. Overweight or obesity. Older women who are overweight or obese are more susceptible to this disease than those who manage a healthy weight.

3. Take hormones. Some forms of hormone replacement therapy (those that include both estrogen and progesterone) taken during menopause may increase the risk of breast cancer if taken for more than five years. Certain oral contraceptives also increase the risks.

4. Reproductive history. Getting pregnant for the first time following age 30, not breastfeeding, and never having a full-term pregnancy can increase the chances of developing this condition.

5. Drink alcohol. The CDC refers to studies showing that a woman’s risk of breast cancer increases the more alcohol she drinks.

6. Smoking. Cigarette smoking is another risk factor to which attention should be paid.

To prevent breast cancer it is important to eat well and take care of what you eat. Including fruits and vegetables at least five times a day not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps reduce the probability of suffering from this disease.

According to Carmen Haro, nutritionist at Fresh Garden and member of the Latin American Nutrition Society, the amount of food that people consume is as important as the variety, since there is no single fruit or vegetable that contains all the nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy, so adding to the diet diversity of the same is decisive to take care of the health and avoid the development not only of this disease but of other chronic conditions.

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