The slogan for the 2024 Salzburg Summit is “Unleashing Europe’s Potential”

2024-07-26 14:56:49

Georg Knill, President of the Industry Association, opened the fifth Salzburg Summit and emphasized Europe’s untapped potential: “Europe has the potential to find the best solutions to today’s complex challenges through open and honest discussions. The best solution. However, to do this, we must be prepared to listen to different opinions, offer constructive criticism and practice tolerance.

Motto “Unleashing Europe’s potential”

In his keynote speech, European Commissioner Johannes Hahn raised questions about Europe’s existing potential: “Europe is not doing that badly, but other countries are catching up quickly. The question is: how do we remain a global player, while More than just a global payer? Sex and warned in his keynote that Europe’s expansion depends on its own strength. On the other hand, Austria, as a small country, recognizes the importance of the European internal market, while large countries often Ignore this.

Under the motto “Unleashing Europe’s Potential”, experts from international business, science and politics discuss how Europe can realize its potential in turbulent times. The two-day meeting saw the likes of Federal Minister for the European Union and Constitution Caroline Edstadler, Federal Minister for Labor and Economic Affairs Martin Koch and Finance Minister Magnus Brenner. superior. Aija Kalnaja, Deputy Executive Director for Capabilities at FRONTEX, Markus Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope, Zdenko Lucić, State Secretary of Croatia, Robert Brieger, Permanent President of the European Military Commission (EUMC), and Josef Aschbacher, Director General of European Space, also spoke on improving European competitiveness. Exciting insights.

Hon Boris Johnson stresses need to strengthen liberal democracies

The appearance of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sparked discussions on the eve of the meeting. As a deeply pro-European organisation, the WCW believes it is necessary to give space to all sides and viewpoints, and to discuss them openly. During the conversation, Mr. Johnson also talked about the UK’s decision to leave the EU: “The UK is and remains an active part of Europe through NATO and other joint foreign policy activities, but not as part of the EU.” He also emphasized An open society is needed as a symbol of the strength of liberal democracies. These values ​​must be defended, especially in the context of the war in Ukraine: “Freedom in Ukraine and the fight for an open society are a symbol of the strength of liberal democracies. We must believe that the open society will prevail. Democracy and freedom are not only ideals; is an indispensable pillar that must be defended.

About the Salzburg Summit

For three days, from 24 to 26 July 2024, Salzburg became the center for economic and political discussions among top players. The Salzburg Summit, initiated and organized by industry associations, is the exclusive platform for exchanges on the future of Europe as a business location. The discussion focused on technological, economic and socio-political aspects as well as geopolitical aspects.

Supporters and Partners

An event of this magnitude is only possible with the help of supporters and sponsors such as the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry Association (Pharmig), ATOS, SKY Austria, Palfinger, Arthur D. Little, Microsoft, KSW and the Banking Association . Other sponsors include Amazon, Google, Verbund and IBM. As in recent years, ÖBB acts as an action partner. In addition, this summit also received product support from café+co. This year we are delighted to become strategic partners with BusinessEurope, the Peter Drucker Forum and the Salzburg European Summit.

You can find photos from this year’s Salzburg Summit here.

For more information about the Salzburg Summit, please visit

#slogan #Salzburg #Summit #Unleashing #Europes #Potential



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