The Sleep-Diet Connection: How Good Sleep Helps You Lose Weight

2023-08-15 18:34:04

You eat consciously, are sporty and still don’t lose weight? Poor sleep can be the cause, because successful weight loss only works if you sleep well. Find out here why good sleep is so important, how it affects your body, metabolism and hormones. We’ve also put together great tips to help you get a good night’s sleep and help you lose weight.

In the video: Barbara Schöneberger relied on the sleep diet

Why is good sleep important?

Good sleep is vital to our health and well-being. During sleep, the body regenerates and cognitive functions improve. Adequate sleep is important to our immune system and defense once morest pathogens. Your body produces while you sleep growth hormones, which ensure that your cells regenerate, broken tissue is repaired, your muscles are built and your bones grow. In addition, good sleep plays an important role in weight loss.

Sleep and Lose Weight: Why Can Poor Sleep Make Losing Weight Difficult?

Poor sleep can make it harder to lose weight because it affects metabolism and can lead to hormonal changes. American researchers have a Connection between lack of sleep and obesity can produce. When we don’t get enough sleep, the hunger hormone rises Ghrelin on while the satiety hormone Leptin decreases. As a result, we have more appetite and feel less full. As a result, we tend to eat more and choose unhealthier foods.

Lose Weight While Sleeping: How Does Sleep Quality Affect Your Metabolism?

Sleep quality affects metabolism in a number of ways. First, sleep regulates the blood sugar levels and the Insulin production. Impaired sleep quality can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn promotes weight gain. Because if the body constantly produces insulin, it cannot break down fat. Second, as mentioned above, sleep affects the production of hormonesthat regulate appetite. A lack of sleep leads to an imbalance of these hormones, which can lead to excessive hunger and food cravings. After all, poor sleep also has an impact on the power consumption. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are less active during the day and burn fewer calories.

How well we sleep affects blood sugar levels and insulin production. © Tatyana Gladskih –

Lack of sleep: How does lack of sleep affect your hormones?

Lack of sleep not only affects ghrelin and leptin levels. He also takes care of one Increase in the stress hormone cortisolwhich in turn inhibits fat breakdown and encourages the body to store fat.

According to the assessments of medical professionals, that is growth hormonealso known as somatotropic hormone STH, the strongest fat burning substance in the human body. STH production occurs mainly during the first few hours of deep sleep and in the morning hours just before waking up. A decisive factor for the release of STH is a regular, undisturbed and sufficient night’s sleep. On the other hand, lack of sleep and late bedtime can significantly reduce the release of this important natural fat burner. As a result, not only does this reduce nighttime fat burning, but it also delays muscle and connective tissue repair. Because STH increases the transport of amino acids that are needed for muscle building. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest.

Adequate sleep also ensures adequate levels of another important fat-burning compound Hormone: Testosterone. Lack of sleep can significantly impair and lower testosterone levels. Testosterone also plays an important role in muscle building and fat loss. By ensuring a regular and undisturbed night’s sleep, you promote the release of STH and testosterone, which leads to more effective fat burning and better muscle and connective tissue regeneration.

Lose weight successfully: 6 tips for better sleep

Here are some tips to help you improve the quality of your sleep and thereby lose weight more easily.

Pay attention to the right dinner

Avoid heavy, greasy meals in the evening, as this can burden the digestion. Instead, focus on easily digestible, protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, legumes, and vegetables. Also, avoid refined sugar and highly processed foods, as they can affect blood sugar levels and cause restlessness or trouble sleeping. There are even foods that can help you fall asleep.

Find out your optimal sleep duration

Everyone has different sleep needs. It is important to the optimal sleep duration to find for yourself in order to get sufficient rest. Experiment with different sleep times and notice how you feel the next day. Most adults need regarding seven to nine hours of sleep per night to feel rested.

Sleep with the window open

A fresh one air supply in the bedroom can improve sleep quality. Leave the window in your bedroom slightly open during the night to allow for adequate ventilation. A pleasant one Room temperature between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius also supports a good night’s sleep. Read our tips for a restful sleep in summer.

Fresh air makes you sleep better. Therefore, it is best to open your windows during the night. © USeePhoto –

Create fixed processes

Our body and brain love Routine. Create fixed routines before going to bed, to signal your body that it is time to calm down. This can be, for example, a cup of soothing herbal tea, a relaxing bath or reading a book. Regular routines before bed prepare you mentally and physically for sleep.

Ban the TV from the bedroom

The TV in the bedroom can be ours affect sleep quality. The bright lights and exciting movies and shows can make it difficult to fall asleep and disrupt sleep. It’s better to only have a TV in the living room and really use the bedroom only for sleeping and relaxing – if possible not for working either.

Turn off your smartphone

Smartphones and other electronic devices radiate in blue light that affects sleep. The blue light suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and can lead to sleep disorders. In order to achieve a better quality of sleep, it is advisable to use the smartphone at least an hour before bedtime turn it off and instead engage in relaxation techniques like meditation.

Overall, good sleep is an important factor in losing weight. Poor sleep affects metabolismbrings that feeling of hunger and satiety confused and leads to hormonal changesthat make it difficult to lose weight. By eating the right dinner, finding your optimal sleep duration, letting fresh air into the bedroom, establishing fixed routines and turning off electronic devices, you can improve the quality of your sleep and thus increase your chances of successfully losing weight while you sleep. So treat yourself to a good night’s sleep and support your weight loss goals with a good night’s sleep.

Do you have problems falling and staying asleep? Find out what you can do regarding it and which natural home remedies help:

Those who sleep well not only lose weight more easily, but also start the day more motivated. With our tips you will find a restful sleep.© Chinnapong –
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