The sky-high price charged for feeding the corpse in Beijing Hospital is hotly debated | Beijing Third Hospital | Sky-high funeral expenses |

[NTD, Beijing time, April 10, 2022]Recently, a hospital in Beijing has collectedsky-high funeral expensesthe remains were stored in the mortuary for only three days, and nearly 40,000 yuan (the same below) was charged. One of the strange charges of 600 yuan was to feed the remains, which caused heated discussions on the Internet.

According to Beijing News Broadcast, the wife of Beijing citizen Mr. Deng (pseudonym) died at home in mid-February, and her body was sent to theThe Third Hospital of Beijing Medical UniversityThe mortuary is temporarily stored for three days. But three days later, the high cost surprised families.

Mr. Deng’s daughter showed reporters a list of charges, dated February 17, 2022. The total cost of various items on the list is 38,570 yuan, some of which are very inexplicable, such as the “bath spa service” cost as high as 5,990 yuan.

Ms. Deng said, “He has a 600 yuan meal, but I don’t know what the 600 yuan is for food.”

Ms. Deng said that her family wanted to take away the 200-yuan wreath and 6,800-yuan shroud money, but the staff did not agree, “What he meant was that you can go, you can go wherever you fall in love. You said it’s appropriate to drag dead people around the world. inappropriate?”

In the end, Mr. Deng’s family reluctantly paid 36,000 yuan for funeral expenses.

Mr. Deng said that it cost nearly 40,000 yuan in just over two days, which is equivalent to her wife’s salary for a year before her death, and a star-rated hotel may not be able to use that much money.

Beijing citizen Ms. Zheng (surname changed) is also thereThe Third Hospital of Beijing Medical Universityencountered a similar situation. At the end of March, when her mother-in-law died, she was parked in the hospital’s mortuary for three days and paid nearly 20,000 yuan for funeral services.

Ms. Zheng said: “There is a 5990 called Gratitude and Filial Piety. I still don’t know what Gratitude and Filial Piety is. It surprises me.” Son.

Ms. Zheng said that the body was carried out from the mortuary of the Third Hospital of Peking Medical University and covered with a golden carpet. If it was less than 100 meters away, it would cost 1,200 yuan, and she also received an 800 yuan money for flowers to lead the way.

Ms. Zheng said bluntly, “It’s too dark, let the country have a regulation, otherwise the common people can’t afford to die.”

Mr. Deng also said: “We don’t do anything else, that is to say, our country should set a unified charging standard, someone must supervise it, and people can afford to die.”

Beijing Hospitalsky-high funeral expensesIt also caused heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens ridiculed: “There is a way to make money… This is really worth dying,” “I even did a SPA, I just want to know how they did it” “Maybe they never did it when I was alive” “For the sake of Money really has no bottom line”, “The funeral industry should be properly rectified, the cemetery is overpriced, and there are tens of thousands of urns, and compulsory consumption should be completely managed.”

(Screenshot of Weibo)

According to reports, neither Mr. Deng nor Ms. Zheng’s family has received formal receipts and invoices, but only a fee confirmation slip, which can only be paid in cash. The list of charges shows Beijing Tiantang Xianghe Funeral Service Co., Ltd.

The reporter’s investigation confirmed that the company entered the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University to provide services for the deceased through a formal bidding process.

Netizens questioned that the hospital and the funeral company joined forces to make unscrupulous money: “Without the hospital’s acquiescence, this matter can’t be done”, “It doesn’t matter that the hospital is not allowed to agree to outsource it, and share the spoils.”

(Screenshot of Weibo)

(Reporter Luo Tingting comprehensive report/responsible editor: Wang Anping)

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