“The situation is only getting worse year after year”, warns the National Union of Nursing Professionals

2023-08-14 14:38:37

Several emergency services limit their access until Tuesday, for lack of personnel. “People are fleeing because they refuse to work underpaid and understaffed,” said the spokesman for the National Union of Professional Nurses on Monday.

“The situation is only getting worse year following year”, alert Thierry Amouroux, the spokesperson for the National Union of Nursing Professionals, Monday August 14 on franceinfo, while access to emergencies is limited until August 15 in several cities in France such as Fougères in Ille-et-Vilaine or Langon in Gironde, due to lack of staff. Wages below the European average and difficult working conditions for the profession explain the “60,000 vacant nursing positions in public and private health establishments”according to the trade unionist.

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franceinfo: As for nurses, is the situation in hospitals worse than last summer?

Thierry Amouroux: The situation is only getting worse year following year. The most visible side are emergencies, psychiatry, paediatrics, but everywhere, the situation is only deteriorating. The normal workload, international standards, is six to eight patients per nurse. In France, we are twice as many.

“There is a loss of meaning between what we are and what we are asked to do in the current degraded conditions”

Thierry Amouroux, spokesperson for the National Union of Nursing Professionals

at franceinfo

We can therefore see that the emergency services are closing almost everywhere in the territory, in a certain number of small towns but even in an agglomeration like Bordeaux, with nearly a million inhabitants, the emergencies operate in a degraded way. From the evening or on weekends, citizens cannot freely access the emergency room.

How can we explain that we are so lacking in nurses?

People flee because they refuse to work underpaid understaffed. You should know that the average French nursing salary is 10% below the average European nursing salary. So many young people go to work in neighboring countries, Belgium where the salary is 30% higher or in Switzerland, where the salary is double.

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The second problem is working conditions. When you are understaffed, you are reduced to chaining technical acts of care (injections, infusions, dressings) at the expense of what is the heart of nursing activity, the whole process of decoding medical discourse, the relationship assistance, support, health education, therapeutic education… Today, there are 60,000 vacant nursing positions in public and private health establishments because many nurses have been discouraged.

A new training program is promised for the start of the 2024 school year, can this be a solution to encourage nurses to stay in their jobs?

We don’t have a recruitment problem because the nursing profession has always been, for five years, the first in demand on Parcoursup. Simply followingwards, there is an abandonment because people see that they will not last 42 years at this rate.

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