The situation is frequent… Tsai Ing-wen put out a 5-degree fit Chen Shizhong

Tsai Ing-wen (middle) and Chen Shizhong (left) went to Wanhua Guangzhao Palace for incense on the 26th.

With less than two months to go before the election, President Tsai Ing-wen again went to the North City yesterday, and Chen Shizhong, the mayoral candidate of the DPP, went to Wanhua Guangzhao Palace to pay a visit yesterday, which was regarded as “fire fighting” by the outside world. President Tsai has joined Chen Shizhong 5 times this month, and at the beginning of the month, he appeared on the same stage 4 times in 3 days, which means a lot of momentum.

Chen Shizhong’s camp was criticized for being sexually harassed for his political views on the toilet; later, he was criticized for “vaccinating” because of Tzu Chi. Recently, the media person Zhou Yukoo supported him but had the opposite effect. He beat Tzu Chi first and then accidentally injured the former middle sister Zhang Shujuan. The Hualien disaster investigation meeting with Master Cheng Yan was regarded as a firefighting, and now he is in Beijing to support Chen Shizhong, which is also regarded by the outside world as having a similar meaning.

President Tsai also thanked Wanhua for their support in the presidential election, referendum, and the recall of legislators. After the epidemic is stabilized and the country gradually opens up, he will continue to work hard on the economy, so that the national welfare can be better implemented and more people can be taken care of.

Chen Shizhong said that the political opinions he put forward are absolutely good, and I hope everyone will vote for him. This is the third time President Cai has visited Wanhua Guangzhao Palace. He has visited twice within two weeks. There was an episode of a local symposium held two weeks ago, and the content of the microphone was not turned off.

Chen Shizhong said that under the guidance of President Tsai and the Executive Yuan, the national epidemic prevention was very successful, but there were always people who attacked him for his poor epidemic prevention. Taking vaccine administration as an example, Taiwan’s third-dose administration rate is over 81%, ranking third in the world; Taiwan’s excess deaths are the third-lowest in the world, and Taiwan’s death rate per million is the fourth-lowest in the world.

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