The site is secure but the armed man is on the run

The searches have yielded nothing: the armed man who had been located at the Brignais nautical center has not yet been found. A large police force remains on site, however, noted the journalists of Le Progrès.

It all started around 8:30 this Friday morning: an armed individual burst into the AquaGaron aquatic center in Brignais.

Presence of the GIGN

While the neighbors were confined, the gendarmerie, supported by the Orange GIGN branch, intervened to try to apprehend the suspect described as armed and masked. At 1:30 p.m., it was learned that the site had been secured and that the armed man was nowhere to be found.

The security perimeter has been reduced but the police maintain a visible presence in this sector of Brignais. Traffic in the neighboring streets is once again authorized.

“No one on site”

Significant resources were deployed early in the morning. A large perimeter around the site had been closed off while reinforcements arrived. Several dozen police officers were deployed as well as a team of criminal identification technicians who were busy around a vehicle.

At 1 p.m., a column of gendarmes advanced on foot for several dozen meters in a field towards the nautical center, before joining another group and proceeding to inspect the premises. Thirty minutes later, the State services informed us that the search was over and that no suspects had been found.

The investigation is continuing in an attempt to identify the individual.



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