The signs of the week (25/2-02/03): Relationships are tested, faces return – 2024-02-25 19:39:40

See the zodiac signs of the week


GENERALLY: What matters, above all, is that the help you will receive from your environment is substantial and has the desired results. Thus, gradually, you will realize the value of being ideologues and believing in high, humanitarian ideals.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Deal with your professional and financial matters with humility and sobriety and it will serve you well in the long run. Don’t listen to those who promise you big and easy profits, but don’t miss opportunities either.

RELATIONSHIPS: A fatal love appears out of nowhere in your path and upsets you, but also disorients you. Keep in mind that it will go through… forty waves for you both to decide how it will settle down.


GENERALLY: Pleasant surprises are in store for your people and those who love you. An excursion, a trip, that you have wanted to do for a long time. You are given the opportunity to do all those things that due to limited time you could not until now.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Your ideas flow into your work environment without conflict, and without realizing it or showing it, you bring about big changes in a gentle way. The same goes for your finances.

RELATIONSHIPS: You will take quite a few risks in your relationships, in an attempt to emancipate yourself and make your revolution against what you consider to be trapping you. Good and positive meetings with new faces and for the singles.


GENERALLY: You will seek association with older and more experienced people than you, who have the ability to properly advise you on the issues that concern you. Technical work and DIY at home or at work.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: You will achieve your goals better and faster if you work as a team and trust your partners. Proper and methodical promotion of your plans will yield satisfactory profits.

RELATIONSHIPS: A friendship that will be tested and pass the “exams” of time and everyday life will develop into a great love, which will bring joy to your life and make it more exciting and interesting.


GENERALLY: You will make clear among your friends and acquaintances and keep in your life those who really deserve to be your friends. Sensitive to the needs of others, you will rush to help in any way you can.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Highly inventive, you will provide solutions where others throw up their hands. Some of your obligations end and let you take a big financial breather, while the finances are very stable.

RELATIONSHIPS: A person enters your life like a siphon and pleasantly upsets you. You relive the heartbeat of love, which for some time you have forgotten. A relationship is born that will give you emotional security and fulfillment.


GENERALLY: Nervous breakdowns, mainly due to lack of patience, will bring you into conflict with your own people and spoil your mood. If you don’t want to experience fights, it would be a good idea to relax a little and tone things down.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: New partnerships come to elevate you professionally, but also to increase your income. You aggressively move forward with your plans, while your partners look to you for help and advice.

RELATIONSHIPS: Friendships may open up new horizons for you, but relationships give you emotional fulfillment and make you feel safe. Stable and long-term relationships are ready to take the next, official, step.


GENERALLY: You are in the process of adopting healthier habits and lifestyle. This became evident from the moment you had to deal with some health problems, which mainly had a psychosomatic cause.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: You have enough patience to be active in the right areas in order to fulfill your expectations and complete your professional plans. The result will be very profitable financially.

RELATIONSHIPS: Everything that you once thought was right, you are now in the process of revising as you find that it was working against you. Thus, relationships will end, bonds will be renewed, but above all, you will make new beginnings, more creative and more constructive.


GENERALLY: Useful restrictions imposed by situations and by you breaking bad habits, but also advice from people in key positions and with experience, which will help you on your further path.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Presumptuousness and charm are not good advisors if you want your partnerships to achieve the expected results. Adopt a more humble demeanor if you want to be considered ideal partners.

RELATIONSHIPS: Recklessly and with great irresponsibility, you get involved in love scandals, which may not only cost you a break with your partner, but also with your social and family environment. Make sure you are more consistent with your relationship obligations.

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GENERALLY: Important events and sudden pleasant news during this period, which will give you joy and make you more optimistic. An amazing opportunity in the professional field will bring out your ability to … dig money.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: The ways you choose to work are original and innovative. You will get excellent results, as well as satisfied colleagues and superiors. Finances are rising to a degree that may even be out of your control.

RELATIONSHIPS: Your need for independence will push you to reevaluate what you believed about relationships and love, discarding any elements that you consider to be hindering your personal growth. A lifelong friendship can develop into a great love.


GENERALLY: It is the most appropriate time to make changes in your social environment, but also among friends. You will keep those you think will be able to support you when you really need it.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Your superiors and colleagues recognize in you leadership talents and a professional personality that provides solutions where no one else can. Realizing this, you proceed to improve both your professional profile and your finances.

RELATIONSHIPS: You have decided to be single and you are doing so, even though you had to upset ex-partners. Friendships during this period will play a more important role than relationships, since what interests you is to share your ideas with a wider audience.


GENERALLY: The planetary setting works redemptively for you this time. You are clarifying many unclear parts of your life and everyday life, but what is important is that you will take initiatives to make changes in your life that you would have previously considered a big leap or risk.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Powerful speakers, good orators, you will convince even the most difficult of your plans and the necessity that exists for them to succeed. With a good pitch and the ability to point out the detail that makes the difference, promotion is in your pocket…

RELATIONSHIPS: There will be many judgments during this time in everything that has to do with your emotional relationships. You may even need to spend some time apart from your partner. During this period, a general clarification will follow, so that you can make the right decisions.


GENERALLY: Be careful, because the actions you try to keep hidden are in danger of being revealed by your own carelessness. You will meet some people you haven’t seen for a long time unexpectedly and you will be very pleased.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Some of you will orient your professional activity to the free professions, where there is no time limit, but also which offer greater thrills and the responsibility is yours alone.

RELATIONSHIPS: You distance yourself from your loved ones and give in to temptations indiscriminately and without control. This can cost you the breakup of a relationship, which will upset not only you, but also your family.


GENERALLY: The friendships that will be formed during this time are deep and meaningful. There is, however, a great need to curb your uncontrollable social actions and to put in order the social environment on which your good mood depends.

PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL: Your incomes are stabilized and hence your finances are improved. Your ideas at work are easily accepted, but also practically applicable. Some influential people favor the promotion of your plans.

RELATIONSHIPS: They clear up the problems of long-term relationships and you move on to the next step. New loves appear for those of you who are still single, but they do not guarantee duration or stability.

#signs #week #Relationships #tested #faces #return

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