The Significance of Marcus Smart to the Boston Celtics: A Celtics Fan’s Perspective

2023-07-14 01:01:53

Many people may be surprised by Smart’s departure, but they all think it is a reasonable transaction. Today, from the perspective of a Celtics fan, let’s think about what Smart has brought to Boston fans. observed.

"The Boston Celtics are finalizing a deal to acquire the Washington Wizards’ Kristaps Porzingis, sources tell ESPN. Porzingis is opting into his $36M contract for 2023-2024 and getting his trade to the Celtics. "

While I was still immersed in another magical move by Stevens to trade Porzingis, a deal collapsed and everything changed. The Clippers had great doubts about Brogdon’s health and pulled out of the deal. Nevertheless, the news still pointed out that Celtic and Wizards are actively looking for a third party to participate in the transaction. Since that day is the deadline for Porzingis to decide to implement the final year of the contract, there is time pressure.

When I kept swiping the news about what kind of transaction news there would be, the transaction was finally completed, and the Grizzlies joined and completed the transaction. Just when I wanted to say what kind of package the Grizzlies would throw out, the follow-up news made me wonder if I was still dreaming.

"The Celtics are trading Marcus Smart to the Grizzlies as part of deal, sources tell ESPN. "

While I was eating, I suddenly lost my appetite. There were too many emotions churning in my heart. It was not just a player who left. He was the spiritual leader who symbolized the Celtics. During the nine-year career of the Celtics, He is the player who can best inherit the blood of the former Big Three, and he already has an unshakable position in the hearts of Celtic fans.

For those of us who write articles, it is a standard to analyze everything rationally. The more objective the description is, the more you can show your professionalism. But for me, watching the game rationally allows me to analyze the course correctly. What happened on the Internet, but the emotional enthusiasm for this team is the driving force for me to continue writing, and it seems that it has reached the point where there is no cure.

So in this article, I am not going to analyze the advantages and disadvantages brought by the exchange. There are many “very professional” YouTubers who have made it very clear. Instead, I will focus on the significance of Smart to Celtic.


Oklahoma State

The first impression of Smart was when he was in Oklahoma State, he had conflicts with fans on the sidelines. I thought it would be too exaggerated for a player to push fans, but it was only a very thin impression. However, at that time, I didn’t particularly support any team. It happened to be the year when the Bravery War started, and I hadn’t even started to pay attention to the draft.


Draft 2014 –

At that time, the Celtics were in the post-Big Three era. Stevens had just taken office for the first year. In this rebuilding year, he had a record of 25 wins and 57 losses but only got the sixth overall pick. In the case of strong opponents, when Rondo and Bradley both had the opportunity to leave the team, they chose Marcus Smart from Oklahoma State. Maybe at this time Ainge had already made plans, and many available soldiers in the formation were considered as available. assets traded.


From rookie to leader –

In the free market, first extended the contract with Bradley, then traded away the guard on the bench, and also signed Brad’s favorite general Turner, and sent Rondo to the Mavericks in December, in exchange for Crowder on defense Duan played an important role, Green was also sent to the Grizzlies, and the team entered a stage of full training.

However, the most important trade came at the last moment. Isaiah Thomas was exchanged in a three-way trade. At first, I thought it was just washing some draft picks and was still in the rebuilding stage. Unexpectedly, the record of 26 wins and 16 losses in the second half of the season soared against the trend. Smart, Bradley, Turner, and Crowder don’t seem to be star players, but when they are less favored, this Celtic fights with the opponent with a stalking mentality, and with the firepower brought by Thomas , and entered the playoffs seventh in the Eastern Conference.

For a rookie in Smart, offense is not his strong point. Although the university has a size advantage in the same position, there will not be many offensive opportunities in the league. To win more opportunities is to do a good job of defense. With Bulldog Confronting opponents with a mentality, sacrificing his body to catch the ball, allowing him to rely on defense to exert influence in his rookie year. He often heard Tommy impassionedly say “Give him a Tommy point”, and soon became a member of the team. To have a role to play.

After a season of baptism, Smart gradually found his own role and became a guard with a knife next to Isaiah Thomas. The Celtics, who had only been rebuilt for one year, unexpectedly returned to the Eastern Conference powers. Rozier, Brown and other rookies joined, with Olynyk, Johnson and other elders, and more importantly, the addition of Horford in the free market, allowed the Celtics to be formed quickly.

However, despite being unable to break through to the championship after the era of Thomas and Irving, when Smart played, he always mobilized the defensive energy of the team and gradually became a leader on the defensive end. Give a fatal blow at all times, may always be called a zebra, black and white performance always makes fans frightened, but also unknowingly becomes the Heart & Soul of Boston.

#Marcus #Smart #Bostons #Spiritual #Leader #Heart #soul #Boston #Celtics #NBA #Basketball

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