“The Shocking Impact of Sugar on Your Health: Tips to Reduce Consumption for a Healthier Lifestyle”

2023-05-01 05:40:19

Consuming excessive amounts of sugar has become one of the most prominent health concerns in the world, due to its serious consequences, such as causing diseases such as diabetes and disorders such as obesity.
Experts believe that what we eat from sugar exceeds our need, so that most of the calories that reach our body at the present time come from sugar.

Children are not safe from the harm of sugar, despite their young age, while the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stresses the need not to start eating sugar until the age of two years.

According to the guidelines of the American Health Authority, a child under the age of two years should not consume sugar added to food at all.

As for children over the age of two years, they can eat added sugar, but provided that it represents less than 10 percent of the total calories that enter their bodies per day.

In the event that the child gets two thousand calories per day, for example, the calories that come from sugar added to the food should not exceed 200 calories.

Sugar increases the risk of four health disorders: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, tooth decay and weight gain.

Many overlook that popular drinks contain shocking amounts of sugar that may reach more than ten grams per 100 milliliters.

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