The shock wave of the national PP shakes the Valencian PP

The president of the PP in the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, and the national popular president, Pablo Casado, at the closing ceremony of the National Convention of the popular in the Valencia bullring, in October.

© Mònica Torres (THE COUNTRY)
The president of the PP in the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, and the national popular president, Pablo Casado, at the closing ceremony of the National Convention of the popular in the Valencia bullring, in October.

The Valencian PP (PPCV) inaugurates regional and provincial headquarters in the center of the head and house. The real estate premiere coincides with the open crisis in the conservative party between its national leadership, led by Pablo Casado, and the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. I know They accuse each other of corruption and espionage. They do it live. Before television cameras and radio microphones.

The young journalist that she used to be never forgets the surprise she felt when she heard, from the mouths of past leaders of the PSPV-PSOE and the PP, the same phrase: “Dirty clothes are washed at home”. It was the usual formula to abort pertinent questions that, however, annoyed, especially when they inquired regarding the usual disagreements between fellow militia members of the same party. The recipe, from being used so much, seems amortized.

The PPCV premieres flat and who should be thinking of expanding facilities is Vox. A friend tells me, not without sarcasm. He is right. In electoral terms, the sole beneficiary of this move popular It is the troop commanded by Santiago Abascal. They will collect the angry and confused vote of militants and voters of the PP. The excuse that many were waiting for to exercise political infidelity without remorse has arrived: vote for Vox. Previously, as we have written so many times, those of Abascal have earned the trust of broad layers of the electorate to whom the traditional political options have not known, do not know, to respond to their setbacks and concerns.

The shock wave of the national PP reaches the Valencian PP, in the process of reconstruction following a long period of ostracism. I imagine Isabel Bonig, despite her loyalty to the initials, smiling enigmatically. The former president of the popular autonomous and former candidate for the presidency of the Consell was displaced from both positions by decision of the dream team made up of Pablo Casado and his general secretary, Teodoro García Egea. Both decided that Bonig did not offer the ideal profile to challenge the left for electoral supremacy in Valencian territory. They appointed Carlos Mazón, the president of the Diputación de Alicante, as his replacement. Not a single voice among the popular of the ground groaned. They all naturally accepted that digitally, from Madrid, the relief was decided. then it dressed with the celebration of the relevant Congress.

Since then, the Valencian Community is designated in the PPCV as “Teo territory”, in reference to the total submission of its current leaders to García Egea. And now that? What will happen in the Valencian Community if the political head of Teo is delivered by Casado as a tribute to limit the ravages of the disaster? Only the departure of number two from the PP might satisfy the demands that, in this sense, Casado is receiving through the mouths of numerous illustrious members of the formation.

the author of Spain as a problem, Pedro Laín Entralgo, classified people into two large groups: the pontifical and the heretical. The first, unite and approach. The seconds, divide and confront. Laín Entralgo said that pontificals are scarce, while heretics abound. In the PP the feeling has spread that García Egea falls into the ranks of the second. The reality seems to confirm the diagnosis.

Mazón and other Valencian leaders, the mayoral candidate, María José Catalá, among them, have timidly shown their cards in this national battle. They have closed ranks with Pablo Casado, which places them in front of the Madrid President and her supporters. At this point of confrontation, there are no half measures: either you are with me or you are once morest me. And that Carlos Mazón dreamed of emulating the Madrid leader and “doing an Ayuso” in the Valencian Community: obtaining a sufficient result in 2023 to, without an absolute majority but with the abstention of Vox, throw the Botanical Government into the streets…

The crisis of popular still has a run. What will the Valencian leaders do if the only baron of the PP, the genuine reference to stand up to Pablo Casado and his team, the Galician president Alberto Núñez Feijóo, positions himself alongside Díaz Ayuso and provokes a convulsion of even more unusual scope ? What a brown has fallen on them! Paraphrasing the acting president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, they might say: “I already have enough with what I have!” And what the PPCV has translates into several challenges: prevent the growth of Vox from occurring at the expense of its support, seduce the voters of Cs, and cross your fingers so that the stability of the Government of the Botanist -despite all its crisis- does not translate into electoral solidity in 2023. Also assume that, in the best future scenario for their interests, Vox’s shadow will be long, very long.



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