The Shaanxi Veterans Table Tennis Group Invitational Tournament was held to celebrate August 1

The Shaanxi Veterans Table Tennis Group Invitational Tournament was held to celebrate August 1

2022-07-31 18:16:48Source: Xi’an News Network

On the morning of July 31, the 3rd Shaanxi Veterans Table Tennis Group Invitational Tournament to celebrate the “August 1st” opened at the Tumen Workers’ Cultural Palace in Xi’an. A total of hundreds of veterans from 16 teams from all over the province participated in the competition.

The event was guided by the Xi’an Federation of Trade Unions, and hosted by the Xi’an Tumen Workers’ Cultural Palace and the Xi’an Outdoor Table Tennis Federation. The event aims to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and inspire the vast number of retired soldiers to keep in mind the original mission of soldiers, actively participate in sports power, national fitness activities, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This competition is a five-five system team competition. The 16 representative teams are divided into four groups by lottery. First, the group round-robin competition, the top two in each group enter the second round of knockout, until the top eight are determined for rewards.

With the start of the competition, the atmosphere was very hot. The players sometimes pulled, sometimes dropped the ball, and sometimes smashed… The wonderful scene received bursts of applause from the audience on the sidelines. Participating athlete Liu Changan is a veteran. He said: “I served in the Air Force and was discharged in 1978. Five years of military experience have honed my willpower. I usually like table tennis very much, but this time I came to the table tennis arena, On the one hand, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work in the game, and on the other hand, we will learn from our opponents and improve our table tennis skills.”

It is understood that the Tumen Workers Cultural Palace attaches great importance to promoting national fitness, and holds many activities to meet the growing demand for cultural and sports activities of the people. Last year, on the eve of “July 1”, the Xi’an Model Worker Spirit Exhibition Hall was built. The Xi’an Municipal Staff Cultural Activities Exchange and Exhibition Center will be built, and the old theater will also be built into a cultural, sports and fitness center. With the continuous renovation and upgrading of software and hardware facilities, the Tumen Workers Cultural Palace aims to become a benchmark and demonstration cultural palace in Xi’an. The table tennis competition is also intended to provide a platform for veterans to communicate with each other.

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Zhong Chen, deputy director of Xi’an Tumen Workers’ Cultural Palace, said: “We have been committed to building a cultural and sports site for employees. This time, we gathered more than 100 veterans from across the province to celebrate the Army Day with physical fitness. According to the competition system, the team in the group stage will finish five games and enter the knockout stage. The best-of-five game system will be implemented. Whoever wins three games first will end the game. The matches before the semi-finals of the knockout stage will be best-of-three, and the best-of-five games will be implemented from the semi-finals until the championship, runner-up and third runner-up are determined.”

Text/Photo by Wang Rui, an all-media reporter from Xi’an Press

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