The SET adjusts criteria for accepting stocks to support tech-innovation businesses under the BCG Model, effective June 6. : InfoQuest

2023-06-02 10:28:14

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) revised the criteria for listing ordinary shares as listed securities. To support the listing of companies operating in industries that focus on the use of technology and innovation in doing business under the economic model for sustainable development (BCG Model) by expanding to cover medium-sized companies. and foreign companies to increase the potential for growth This is in line with the country’s strategic plan to support Thailand as a hub for technologically developed and innovative industries. which will be effective from June 6, 2023

Mr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, director and manager of the SET, said that the SET has revised the criteria for accepting ordinary shares to support the listing of companies operating in industries that emphasize the use of technology and innovation in line with the BCG Model. to be consistent with the country’s strategic plan by expanding to cover medium-sized Thai companies and large foreign companies that contribute to the Thai economy Not limited to companies that have been promoted by the Board of Investment (BOI) only.

With the condition that it must be a company with income from business operations in 10 specified industries, namely agriculture and advanced food. Biofuels and Biochemistry medical and health extension creative tourism modern vehicles Aviation and logistics Digital and e-commerce Smart Electronics, Robotics, and Technology Development and Innovation

These businesses can be listed on the SET and mai with the Market Capitalization Test criteria to support access to funding sources in the capital market of companies with growth potential. lead to economic expansion

Updating the rules this time To encourage companies operating businesses that comply with the government policies mentioned above, with Market Capitalization of at least 7,500 million baht for the SET or 2,000 million baht for mai, and have other qualifications as specified can submit an application to be listed on the SET. and mai, subject to additional disclosure criteria. In which the SET will determine guidelines for screening companies in the specified industry group to use in deciding to accept ordinary shares as listed securities.

The aforementioned rules have been consulted by relevant parties and have been approved by the SEC Board, which will take effect from June 6, 2023 onwards.

By InfoQuest News Agency (02 Jun. ’23)

Tags: BCG Model, Industry Group, SET, Stock Exchange of Thailand, Phakon Peetathawatchai, Common Stock

#SET #adjusts #criteria #accepting #stocks #support #techinnovation #businesses #BCG #Model #effective #June #InfoQuest

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