The Service Trade Fair will hold 32 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities on the 4th and will close on the 5th_Hangzhou Net

China News Service, Beijing, September 4th. September 4th is the second day of the 2022 Service Trade Fair Public Open Day. A total of 32 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities will be held, including 19 in the National Convention Center and 12 in the Shougang Park. 1 game online.

September 5 is the last day of the Service Trade Fair’s “Public Open Day”. Visitors in the exhibition areas of the National Convention Center and Shougang Park will stop at 15:00 and close at 16:00. Citizens and friends who want to visit the exhibition should make travel plans in advance, and try to choose green travel and off-peak travel.

This is what the reporter learned from the press conference of the 2022 Service Trade Fair on the 4th.

A total of 32 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities were held on the 4th

Zhang Haocheng, deputy director of Beijing International Service Trade Affairs Center, introduced that on September 4, a total of 32 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities were held, including 19 in the National Convention Center, 12 in the Shougang Park, and 1 online. Various activities were highlighted and fruitful.

In terms of exhibition and display, the special topic of engineering consulting and construction services, focusing on green buildings, intelligent construction, building industrialization, building informatization, construction industry Internet, whole-process engineering consulting, urban renewal and other hot frontier industries, comprehensively display engineering consulting and engineering construction fields. Innovative technologies, outstanding achievements and service cases, showing the “Made in China” brand to the world. The topic of telecommunications, computer and information services, focusing on the three major areas of digital government, digital industry, and digital people’s livelihood, fully demonstrated the 5G+AVP Internet of Vehicles research and application demonstration park, Asia No. 1 5G intelligent unmanned warehouse application panorama, 5G remote New products such as cloud diagnosis and treatment – medical collaborative service cloud platform, high security and high confidentiality communication product – “Tianyi Quantum Secret Phone”. The theme of cultural and tourism services showcased the new formats of cultural performances such as “Watching Beijing with a Big Drama”, “The Guild Hall has a show”, and the online exhibition and performance of the 70th anniversary of Renyi, and the rejuvenation projects of time-honored brands such as “Tongrentang Zhima Health Zero Store”, Qianmen Street, Liang Night cultural tourism consumption scenes such as Mahe International Style Waterfront, as well as tourism and vacation products such as parent-child, camping, self-driving, etc., fully demonstrate the vitality of Beijing’s cultural consumption format.

In terms of forum meetings and results release, forums such as the 4th “Air Silk Road” International Cooperation Summit, the Global Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Theme Conference, and the China International Economic Cooperation Going Global Forum were held on the 4th. At the “Air Silk Road” International Cooperation Summit, the “China Airport Economic Development Index 2022” and “China Aviation Logistics Hub Development Index 2022” were released; at the Global Green Development and Carbon Neutrality Theme Conference, the organization signed a contract for dual-carbon service cooperation; The “Beijing Outbound Investment Development Report” was released at the China International Economic Cooperation Going Global Summit Forum. A total of 20 Fortune 500 and industry leading companies and institutions have released 29 new technologies, new products and new achievements in the results release hall.

In terms of audience participation and interaction, the Metaverse Museum brought the large-scale immersive art exhibition “Cezanne Four Seasons” to the audience. Through naked-eye 3D visual effects and large optical flow length reconstruction technology, the seamless display of super-large frames in the special-shaped space was realized. The audience brings an immersive viewing experience with a high degree of integration of “sound” and “vision”. In the special topic of telecommunications, computer and information services, China Unicom’s housekeeping, Tingyuling AR glasses, Lingjing AR fitness, etc. were exhibited, allowing the audience to experience the convenience and intelligence brought to life by “China Unicom Smart Home” products at close range; the FWH-1500 on display Unmanned helicopters, wall-climbing robots, and humanoid service robots attract countless attention.

On the topic of health and hygiene services, many experts from Friendship Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Anzhen Hospital held lively popular science lectures on the spot, sharing knowledge in the field of health and medical knowledge, attracting a large number of audiences to stop. The “Yi World” naked-eye 3D art work in the “Listen to the World and See the Future” exhibition area of ​​the cultural and tourism service theme, the Keep fitness interactive experience in the “Cultural Empowerment Digital Drive Vitality Chaoyang” exhibition area, and the “Shunyi Wenyu – New Heights of Cultural Industry” exhibition area. The Wenyu River Cultural Industry Development Belt is very popular among children for its four-sided immersion experience.

30 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities will be held on the 5th

Zhang Haocheng said that on September 5, 30 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities will be held, including 23 in the National Convention Center and 7 in the Shougang Park. Among the 30 offline forums and meetings, there are forums such as the Green and Low-Carbon City International Science and Technology Innovation Forum, the 2022 International Financial Innovation and Cooperation Forum, and the 2022 Beijing International Metropolis Clean Air and Climate Action Forum.

The 5th is the last day of the CIFTIS. Various topics have been arranged with rich forums and conferences and splendid display and interactive activities. The cultural and tourism service topic will hold special cultural activities such as “Beijing Art Museum Patchwork Handmade Interactive Experience”, “Ancient Pottery Collecting Treasures Characteristic Cultural Experience”, as well as the first event of digital commemorative tickets for the Museum of Ancient Pottery Civilization. A red enlightenment book – “Hello, Little Red Star!” with the title of online live broadcast and other interactive experiences. In the topic of environmental services, the theme forum on energy security and green and low-carbon development, the carbon market and carbon finance summit, the international science and technology innovation forum on green and low-carbon cities and the Beijing International Frontier Science Dialogue, and the 2022 Beijing International Metropolis Clean Air and Climate Action Forum and other 12 events. On the topic of health and health services, activities such as on-site interaction, popular science, and medical technology achievement display and experience will continue to be held at the exhibition venue, and new concepts and new technologies will be shared around medical and health knowledge.

On the 5th, the audience will stop entering the venue and the closing time will be earlier

Zhang Haocheng said that September 5 is the last day of the “Public Open Day” of the Service Trade Fair. Visitors in the exhibition areas of the National Convention Center and Shougang Park will stop at 15:00 and close at 16:00. Citizens and friends who want to visit the exhibition should make travel plans in advance, and try to choose green travel and off-peak travel.

(Original title: The Service Trade Fair will hold 32 forum meetings and promotion and negotiation activities on the 4th and will close on the 5th)

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