The series “The Price”.. A toxic character moves the events and attracts the audience | art

In recent days, the series “The Price” topped the search engines and “trend” on social media platforms, while it became the most watched on the “Shahid” platform, but the strange thing is that the reason behind this has nothing to do with the level of artwork or drama.

The password is Bassel Khayyat; His performance, the nature of his role, and most importantly his charisma are the reason behind the audience’s attraction towards television work.

Although many are convinced that the hero’s personality is toxic and narcissistic (or “toxic” according to the description that has become common on communication platforms), they did not hide their admiration for him, but there were those who felt elation towards the heroine.

And the series “The Price”, a Lebanese romantic drama of 90 episodes, starring Basil Khayat, Nicolas Moawad, Razan Jamal, Sarah Abi Kanaan, Rafik Ali Ahmed, and Randa Kaadi. As for the directing, it is signed by Fikret Qadi.

The work is adapted from an old Turkish drama called “Binbir Gece” (A Thousand and One Nights), which released 3 seasons of 90 episodes, and was the reason for the fame of its two heroes in the Arab world, who are Khaled Argench and Bergzar Korel, and even resulted in their marriage on the ground later.

Toxic or complicated?

This is the question that female respondents answered differently. While some of them described him as a harmful personality who does not hesitate to break the hearts of those around her, others found that his father’s betrayal of his mother and the poisonous thoughts that his mother planted in his mind and conscience as a result of that are the main driver of his personality and the reason behind all that anger and cruelty. In his behavior with the women around him.

Whatever the dramatic motives, Basil Khayyat succeeded in drawing attention to him, and proved once once more that he is the best at playing complex roles with the utmost smoothness and spontaneity.

the story

The series revolves around a widow who seeks to work in a company that does not employ married women, so she is forced to lie regarding her marital status, which makes her find it very difficult to reconcile her work and personal life, before she is surprised that her child, who has leukemia, is in dire need of an urgent surgery in order to save her. his life. And when she is unable to raise the necessary amount for that, she tries to seek the help of her late husband’s family to help her financially in treating the child, but they refuse.

Here, you have no choice but to request a huge loan from the institution in which you work. And because her boss has his own philosophy and his opinion regarding women, he stipulates that the money should be in exchange for spending one night with him, thinking that she is just another woman with a bad reputation.

But events turn upside down when he discovers the truth following he had already fallen in love with her, but what happened spoiled any possibility of their future together, so is it too late?

Lebanon or Bollywood?

“An Untold Story” (Katha Ankahee) is the name of the Indian series that began showing in conjunction with the series “The Price”, and it is adapted from the same Turkish work, and its starring was assigned to Wassim Adnan Khan and Aditi Sharma.

In front of these two successful series, the audience began to ask: Which is better? Or which of the three works is better? If we add to them the original version of the work as well, especially since the Indian version also topped the search engines, while the Turkish series achieved remarkable success and gained audience attention when it was shown more than 15 years ago.

It seems that the ceiling of the challenge has become high in front of the two series, with a noticeable superiority of the “price” technically and dramatically, as it was classified as the most attractive to the audience, whether due to the changes made by the work makers in some of the main plot details without resorting to what we previously knew of “cut and paste”, Or when Basil Khayyat enjoyed a special charisma that added romantic charm to the work.

The Lebanese and Indian series differed from their Turkish counterpart in 3 important details so far: the first is the way in which the hero discovered the fact that the heroine is a widow and has a sick child, and the second is the heroine’s reaction following that, while the last is related to the reaction of the grandfather following learning of his grandson’s illness, and how and where he saw it for the first time. .

the end

Most likely, the series “The Price” will carry other differences in the future, the most prominent of which is the ending, because the works adapted from foreign models are trying to change the ending in order to ensure the preservation of the degree of suspense and ambiguity for the audience, with the aim of continuing to watch, just like what happened with the series “Bride of Beirut”, as Heroes who did not die died in the original version, as well as the “Stiletto” series, which finally ended, and in which the identities of the dead man and the killer differed, along with some other important details. What are the differences that will be included in the end of the series “The Price”? Can the public expect it?



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