The Serbian Electoral Commission announced the preliminary results of the presidential election. Vucic won 58.59% of the vote_Vucic, the current President of Serbia, announced the victory_Vucic announced the victory in the first round of the presidential election_ballots

Original title: Serbian Electoral Commission announced the preliminary results of the presidential election Vucic won 58.59% of the vote

At 21:40 local time on April 4, the Electoral Commission of the Republic of Serbia announced the preliminary results of the presidential election. Vucic won 58.59% of the votes, with a total of 2,157,008 votes, winning the first round.

Zdravko Pono, the elector of the “Unity for Serbia’s Victory” coalition, came in second with 161,212 votes or 18.32% of the vote.

Serbian law stipulates that the presidential candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes in the first round of voting will win the election.

On the evening of April 3, a few hours following the election, Vucic announced at the headquarters of the Progressive Party that, according to the preliminary statistical results of the Progressive Party, he had won the election. In his speech, Vucic said that he will continue to work on modernizing the country, attracting investment and maintaining peace and stability. “We are facing various challenges. For Serbia, the most important thing is to establish good relations in this region and continue to follow the path of the EU without losing traditional friendship.”Return to Sohu, see more


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