the Senate is preparing for the second round of the vaccine pass

Photo d'illustration.

© Riccardo Milani
Photo d’illustration.

In summary :

– The number of new daily cases observed on average over the last seven days in France has never been higher, at more than 270,000 contaminations. The wave also continues to rise in the hospital: 21,721 patients (+1485 Saturday) of Covid are hospitalized in France, including more than 3,800 in critical care (+243), reserved for the most serious cases.

– The rise in Covid-19 cases cracks schools and parents of students. The Ministry of Education has decided to lighten – a little – an inapplicable protocol. Angry teachers unions call for a strike Thursday, January 13.

– After the words Emmanuel Macron who said he wanted “Piss off” the unvaccinated, a sharp rebound in the anti-pass mobilization took place this Saturday, with more than 100,000 demonstrators throughout France. That is more than four times more than the 25,500 of the previous mobilization of December 18.

Video: Vaccination of children in France: start of injections for 5-11 year olds (France 24)

Vaccination of children in France: start of injections for 5-11 year olds



China: 20 possible cases lead to 14 million people tested in Tianjin. Tianjin, a large port city about 150 km southeast of Beijing, has become a new area of ​​concern after more than 20 cases of Covid have been reported there in recent days, most of them imported from abroad, according to the Commission national health. Tianjin launched a massive testing campaign early on Sunday, advising the 14 million residents to stay in or near their homes so that they are available for community testing. Chinese authorities have already had to deal with a larger outbreak in the northwestern city of Xi’an, which has prompted questioning of the country’s zero tolerance policy, which includes measures to strict containment and immediate mass testing to stem outbreaks.

“The bet” to let omicron circulate is “very risky”, warns infectious disease specialist Eric Caumes. «It is a very risky bet. We must hope that they are not mistaken. ” Infectious disease specialist Eric Caumes questions “The choice that was made, to let the virus circulate”, to achieve collective immunity against Covid-19, while the contaminations carried by the contagious omicron variant – although “Clearly less serious” what delta – have exploded and put hospitals under pressure. «We will know the reality in two weeks, not before ”, according to Professor Caumes, who fears that the outbreak of contamination will send many unvaccinated people to hospitals already “On your knees”. “We have to make places for Covid patients, cancel surgeries, and that’s still the delta ”, still responsible for the rise in intensive care hospitalizations.

A new record of contaminations in Mexico. The Central American country recorded more than 30,000 new cases of Covid-19 on Saturday, a figure unprecedented since the start of the pandemic, leading some Mexican states to close schools again. The previous daily record of 28,023 cases was dated August 18, 2021, according to the health ministry. The deaths, however, remained stable at 202 during the day. The threshold of 300,000 deaths from Covid-19 has been crossed Friday in Mexico, the fifth most affected country in absolute terms in the world, behind the United States, Brazil, India and Russia. Experts stress that the contagion of Covid-19 in Mexico would be much higher than the data reported by the authorities, due to the few tests carried out.

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The vaccination pass arrives at the Senate. The few days of break since the turbulent adoption by the deputies of the vaccination pass will they have calmed the spirits? Response at the beginning of the week to the Senate, with a right-wing majority, which will examine the bill this Monday in committee, then Tuesday in the hemicycle. Despite the delay in the initial schedule, due to the delay at the Palais Bourbon, the government is still hoping for the entry into force of the law transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass on January 15. Those over 12 will then need to be able to prove their vaccination status to access leisure activities, restaurants and bars, fairs or interregional public transport. A negative test will no longer suffice, except for access to health establishments and services.

Texas overwhelmed by omicron. Out of stock of self-tests in pharmacies and long queues in front of centers practicing Covid-19 screening, Texans are rushing to be tested at a time when the state is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak of contamination. Almost 54,000 positive cases were reported on Friday, compared to just over 20,000 at the peaks of contamination waves in the State last January and September. The shortage of tests is one of the main criticisms made against President Joe Biden in his management of the epidemic. At the end of December, he pledged to send 500 million self-tests to the Americans.

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