“The selection of the new President of the IOC in Ancient Olympia is not only the right choice, but the only choice”

“The selection of the new President of the IOC in Ancient Olympia is not only the right choice, but the only choice”

The Regional Council of Western Greece expressed its opposition to any action that harms the prestige of Olympia and diminishes its importance in Olympic matters, during the meeting held today, Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

The starting point of the discussion was the election of the president of the International Olympic Committee in Greece, and in particular in Messinia, but not in Ancient Olympia, as was initially announced and considered by all to be the most reasonable.

Following this, the Regional Authority submitted a draft resolution at the Regional Council meeting, while an inter-factional committee was formed in order to formulate the final text which was approved by the House.

The text of the resolution is as follows:

The Regional Council of Western Greece believes that the International Olympic Committee, as the modern guardian of the Olympic Games and the universal values ​​that Olympism advocates, should finally connect this important moment in its many years of journey with the historical site where the Olympic Games were born , where the heart of Pierre de Coubertin was buried and rests forever, that is, the man who together with Dimitrios Vikelas were the revivalists of the modern Olympic Games and founders of the International Olympic Academy.

The Olympic Land is one of the most sacred and historic places of humanity and we are sure that the glamor of the process of electing the new President will be unparalleled. In addition, the members of the D.O.E. they will send through this choice a strong message of unity and brotherhood to all the latitudes and longitudes of the Earth, reconnecting the Olympic Ideals with our current and turbulent times, in which the values ​​of the peaceful coexistence of peoples must once again prevail .

Finally, the selection of the new President of the D.O.E. in the place where the first ancient Olympians were glorified, where the Truce was first put into practice during the Games, where the flame of Olympism was first lit and to this day is still lit for every Olympic Games event, we believe that it is not just the most correct, but the only option.

The Regional Council and the Region of Western Greece call and invite all the executives and members of the world Olympic Movement to the birthplace of Olympism, in order to highlight in the most appropriate way the mighty thread that connects 2,800 years of sport and noble competition, 2,800 years of defense of the rights of Man himself.

Furthermore, they are in favor of the proposal of the President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee for the permanent nomination of the Presidents of the IOC. in the historical site of Ancient Olympia and declare that they are ready to contribute in this direction in any appropriate way, in good cooperation with the D.O.E., the E.O.E., the national and local Authorities.

Finally, the Regional Council of Western Greece, in full consultation and identification with the Municipality of Ancient Olympia, invites all the involved Authorities and Agencies to cooperate for the formulation and implementation of a holistic new plan for the development and promotion of the Olympic Land and the Olympic Values, as pillar of a modern global movement to respect and defend human rights through sports and culture.

This resolution will be communicated:

To the President of the Republic

To the Prime Minister

To the deputies of the Region of Western Greece

At the Ministry of Culture

To the President and the IOC and EOE Members

The President of the Hellenic Parliament

To the Olympic Family of the Country (Olympic Athletes, Members of National Teams to help by supporting our request to the IOC with their prestige and militancy).

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