The Segovian athlete Águeda Marqués, medal for naturalness and Olympic spirit

Águeda Marqués has left an indelible mark on her Olympic debut, and not only because of her talent on the track. At 25 years old, her charm and contagious sense of humour have won everyone over, making her one of the most beloved and talked about athletes in the competition. Although she was unable to celebrate an Olympic medal, the athlete from Segovia took it with the best of attitudes, demonstrating a naturalness and self-confidence that quickly made her go viral on social media.

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In the 1500m final, Águeda achieved her personal best, an unexpected success even for herself, as she was not expected to go so far. The Paris Olympic Games have been an unforgettable experience for the Segovian, who has also broken her record for the number of races and series. Despite how exhausting it was to compete for several days in a row, she was proud of her performance and has demonstrated excellent sportsmanship at every moment of this experience.

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‘See you later! Let’s see if I can catch you or something,’ joked Águeda when she saw the speed at which her teammates ran in the final, bringing a smile to everyone who heard her. ‘They really run!’ she said with charming aplomb a few days before her last race. But, despite the difficulties, she could not hide her joy and satisfaction at having given her best. ‘I don’t know, even my eyelashes hurt, I gave it my all, I have no more left, in this championship I have no more left,’ she confessed between laughs.

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In addition to her great sense of humor, the Segovian demonstrated her enormous camaraderie. One of the most sentimental moments for her was when Marta Pérez, another Spanish athlete, broke the national record with a time of 3:57. Águeda showed her joy with a “Wow, how cool!” and could not help but get emotional as she celebrated her teammate’s success with the same euphoria as her own.

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But it hasn’t all been on the track. Águeda has had the unconditional support of her boyfriend, fellow Olympic athlete Adrián Ben, to whom she dedicated words of gratitude. Their relationship, full of complicity and mutual support, has been fundamental in her preparation and she didn’t miss the opportunity to mention him in her statements, showing how important it has been for her to have him.

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Despite not having won an Olympic medal, Águeda Marqués has lived her debut at the Games with contagious joy and an enviable perspective. “My legs hurt so much that I even had trouble climbing the stairs,” she confessed with a smile, showing her gratitude for having had the opportunity to compete and enjoy the experience. Her positive attitude and her enormous camaraderie have been a breath of fresh air for athletics, and for all those who followed her participation. Águeda has made it clear that, in sport and in life, true success is found in the good humour with which each challenge is faced. With her ease and friendliness, the Segovian has shown that the most important thing is not only to reach the goal, but also to enjoy the journey.

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