The Secret Love Life of Laeticia Hallyday: Insights on Her Relationship with Jalil Lespert and the Shadow of Johnny Hallyday

2023-12-24 15:23:00

Nobody saw it coming. The information officially came out last night, without warning.

Alex Reed of the show 50′ Inside, Laeticia shared some secrets regarding her private relationships, in particular her relationship with Jalil Lespert. On set, Johnny Hallyday’s widow announced that she was separated from her companion following three years of relationship.

The two lovebirds seemed fully in love, they regularly exchanged statements on social networks. Why did they end their romance? Because of the specter of Johnny which always hovers in her mind, affirms Laeticia.

It’s chaotic for me. I fall in love and then I’m afraid. I’m scared, I can’t do it, actually“, she confides on TF1. “My last love story, I believed in it, I loved it and then I felt guilty. I feel guilty regarding being happy without Johnny, I feel like I’m cheating on him, I feel like I’m betraying him, I feel like he’s looking at me, I feel like I’m cheating on him (…). He left, we made promises to each other, but he didn’t give me the blessing to be happy. He didn’t tell me: “Be happy, start your life once more.” Because he was someone extremely possessive, extremely jealous. I belonged to my husband“.

Laeticia also said she wanted “do work on yourself“since she is”the only one responsible“His goal now is to move forward.”one step following another“.

Laeticia Hallyday
Jalil Lespert
Johnny Hallyday
#loved #felt #guilty #reason #pushed #Laeticia #Hallyday #separate #Jalil #Lespert

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